It has been a while since we did any introspection here at Oil IT Journal. A couple of subscription cancellations (unbelievable I know) led me to think that some folks are not getting the best out of the Journal. And that maybe we are not doing our best at getting our message out. So here is a short explanation of why the Journal is the way it is today and an invitation to you all to speak up, tell us what you think so that we can raise our game.
Oil IT Journal has changed quite a bit since it first published in 1996 as a tabloid style paper-only publication. We went online with essentially the same information around the turn of the millennium. The website was developed at that time using html frames which gives it a quaint, old style look. In fact html frames were deprecated almost as soon as we implemented them for various reasons which I won’t go into. We stuck with them in a contrarian way for the simple reason that frames gave us a performant GUI for minimal effort. We also made a bet against the W3C deprecators and figured that there were too many users of frames for the browser developers to abandon them. A bet that holds true so far. In short we went with the ‘if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it’ approach. Had we done otherwise we would no doubt have had three or four major upheavals to the GUI in the past 24 years, and our code would look like the dogs dinners that lurk behind many ‘modern’ website. But I digress.
Having undergone our ‘digital transformation’ in 2000, one of our major clients suggested that we implement an RSS Feed. I had no idea what this was at the time but it seemed pretty straightforward and was duly coded-up. I’m not sure how important this was to the original requester. But it is still there, updated with every new issue. There is the paid-up full text feed and a public headlines feed. A reader recently suggested that we ‘change the delivery mechanism, from password protected PDF to Yammer posts’. My understanding of Yammer is that it can plug into an RSS Feed so that might be a good repurposing of the venerable RSS format. If you have a library or run a document management system, get it to point to the RSS Feed and populate your repository. You can also go to either our corporate or public sitemaps page and scrape these for direct access to the text payloads.
Many of you (but not enough!) use the search function that is provided in the main menu. Just to make thinks clear, we do not allow Google, Microsoft, OpenAI or anyone else access to the last couple of years of Oil IT Journal. So the onboard search will bring up more useful stuff than Google or ChatGPT! Paid-up subscribers are of course at liberty (in fact we recommend it) to index our content for their own usage.
Today the size of the Journal has increased significantly over the old tabloid. I like to think that there are folks out there who still read it cover to cover. Maybe the ‘renaissance’ man/woman that was supposed to be the key driver to the digital oilfield of the noughties. Interoperability across different disciplines has been an (elusive) holy grail of IT since we started out. We try to fill that gap with an ‘interoperability’ of understanding between upstream, operations and so on. So my advice, plug the whole thing into whatever content management system you have in-house but also, read it all, cover to cover. You will be a better person!
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