A new publication from the IOGP explains how to use the IOGP JIP33 Quality Requirement Specifications (QRS). The specification documents live in the JIP33 Specification Library for each IOGP standard and provide guidance to functions related to purchasing and manufacturing equipment for operators, EPC contractors and suppliers. The QRS introduction video explains all. Despite the reference to EPCs, the QRS Guidance Document makes no mention of the IOGP’s companion Cfihos standard.
The Eclipse Foundation has released Sparkplug Version 3.0, the first version managed under the Eclipse Foundation specification process. Eclipse Sparkplug provides an ‘open and freely available’ specification for how edge-of-network gateways (Sparkplug edge nodes) or native MQTT-enabled end devices and host applications communicate bi-directionally.
PPDM is floating an Authorization for Expenditure (AFE) project and is asking the community to fill out a short survey on what parts of an AFE project are of interest. PPDM is also looking for volunteers to help its data objects committee create new data objects to add to the data objects already published. PPDM has also signed an MoU with the ‘Blockchain for Energy’ organization to support integration and harmonization of the work being done by both organizations. PPDM and B4E are to collaborate on ‘best practices for seismic data management’!
IMI Critical and Velo3D report the successful metal additive manufacturing of oil and gas hardware, certified to the American Petroleum Institute AMSL Level 3 (API20S) standard. A Velo3D print file of an injection well choke valve was pulled from IMI Critical’s PLM system and sent to six sites for 3D printing on Velo3D Sapphire machines.
Europe’s Galileo high accuracy GPS service is now operational. Galileo HAS increases the accuracy of Galileo to sub-meter levels, becoming the ‘first constellation worldwide’ to provide a high-accuracy service globally. Galileo provides free-of-charge, high accuracy positioning corrections both from the (E6-B) satellite signal and via the internet.
The Open Geospatial Consortium is ‘excited’ to announce the formation of the OGC Geo For Metaverse Domain Working Group (MDWG), which will serve as a forum for the collective geospatial expertise of the OGC community to gather to help build and grow the open Metaverse. The group is open to OGC Members and non-members alike. The Metaverse is ‘perhaps the ultimate distributed digital twin of the world’. Moreover, ‘the Metaverse is not a single thing but, like the internet, is a collection of platforms and technologies: a world of objects that can be navigated and interacted with’. More in the release. The MDWG is the OGC’s primary point of contact with the Metaverse Standards Forum, of which OGC is a founding and principal member.
The OPC Foundation has
kicked-off a carbon capture and storage working group to develop OPC UA
information models for various CCS-related activities including capture
and compression equipment, storage, injection wells, pipelines and CO2
metering. The aim is for an interface standard for integrating CCS
equipment and systems into an ‘overall Industry 4.0 system
architecture’. The release refers to the ongoing ‘Northern Lights’ CCS
project. More from the OPC Foundation.
The Society of Petroleum Engineers has updated its Guidelines for the application of its Petroleum Resources Management System. The new Guidelines cover best practices for assessing unconventionals. There are also new chapters on petrophysics and reservoir simulation. Members can purchase the e-Book from the SPE for a modest $45.
The XBRL International financial standards body has pitched in to the sustainability disclosure standards battle, setting up the XBRL International digital sustainability disclosure special interest group. The DSD-SIG is to explored the idea of a shared registry of taxonomy schemas between major standard setters to harmonize standards via a generic XBRL catalog of elements that can be used ‘by all the standards covering similar content’.
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