OSDU update

Intel on the OSDU ‘Edge Lab’. OSDU announces ‘Innovation Marketplace’.

Blogging on the OSDU Forum home page, Dean Samara-Rubio (Intel) announces that the OSDU ‘Edge Lab’ is now open. As OSDU scope creeps beyond its initial subsurface focus, the Forum is ‘looking to’ other phases of the oil and gas operations business including drilling and production. Here the OSDU approach will enable data interoperability with APIs for ingestion of production data to the cloud. But Samara-Rubio’s concern is for the ‘millions of widely distributed and remote sites’ with edge computing and communications devices. Enter the OSDU Edge working group which is to ‘investigate edge computing for the energy sector’. Current members of the new work group include Chevron, ExxonMobil, Red Hat and Intel who are funding development of APIs and architecture for the edge through the OSDU Edge Lab, with initial member contributions from Aveva, Dianomic, Naonworks, Petrabytes, and Softdel.

The OSDU Forum also recently announced the OSDU Innovation Marketplace. Although OSDU already exposes a catalog where vendors can showcase their wares, this lacks functionality for consumers to request solutions and products from vendors. The Innovation Marketplace closes this gap by allowing ‘upfront demand specification’ such that the developer ecosystem can build solutions for known consumer needs. The Marketplace is a pass-through for requests, the OSDU Forum is not becoming a software development house and ‘will not, and must not’ engage in commercial activity or conversations. Requests are reviewed by a marketplace triage team to ensure that they are appropriate and comply with anti-trust guardrails. Any changes needed to the OSDU data platform to facilitate innovations will be ‘donated or communicated to the shared backlog’. The OSDU marketplace was built with Aha’s idea management software. Despite the aim for a ‘vibrant marketplace’, five months since inception, it does not appear to have garnered much interest from OSDU innovators!

More on OSDU elsewhere in this issue (ECIM) and from The Open Group.

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