Don Morrison (Devon Energy) presented on Seeq at Scale for Data and Analytics Integration. Devon has a culture of innovation and a large inventory of future projects across its US assets. One challenge for data science is the widespread use of Excel. The answer for Morrison is ‘just say no to Excel!’ Another issue is the fact that commercial analytics platforms often require a copy of Devon data in their cloud instance. Moreover many such solutions are ‘black boxes’. ‘Our engineers want control of the math!’ ‘They are experts in their data and have many ideas for solving operational problems’. Transferring these ideas into action is hard and working with data scientists is time consuming.
Seeq provides a better environment for data science. A direct connection to Devon’s PI System allows engineers to experiment with their data, iterating use cases and edge cases into a broad-solution that can then be scaled-up, with some additional engineering tinkering with the math. The engineering experience has improved over Devon’s legacy processes. Time to solution is faster and development resources are only required at the implementation phase. Seeq’s ‘export directives’ feature is used to scale a solution to 100’s of assets and output the result back to PI data archive The directive controls what, where, and how often. Devon has successfully scaled a complicated calculation from a single asset in Seeq to 250+ similar assets, with results written back to the PI archive. Seeq manages the schedule and formulas. PI Vision is used for data visualization. ‘We want the results of solutions from Seeq to be available in our PI System’. Seeq is leveraged as an advanced calculation and data science tool for PI Users. Watch the Devon video here and download the PDF.
Chevron is another oil and gas Seeq user. The 2022 Seeq Connect keynote was given by Brent Railey, data science manager with Chevron-Phillips Chemical.
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