Cyber wake-up call for oil and gas

Vedere Labs report on insecure-by-design OT. Bedrock warns of TSA relaxing pipeline cyber regulations. ISA’s five tips on cybercrime protection. Software Engineering Institute’s Guide to insider threats. RFence Horus radio monitor for critical infrastructure. Cloud Security Alliance reports on ‘Sensitive Data in the Cloud’. CybeReady’s cyberattack learning kit. ISA on cyber education for automation engineers. Trellix study finds US oil and gas lacks cyber skills. BreachBits, ‘US oil and gas industry at risk of a cyber breach’. DNV forecasts serious cyber-attacks on industry. EU Cyber Resilience Act. NIST program solicitation for scientific cyberinfrastructure. The Open Group hosts zero trust architecture event. ISA on why ICS/OT infrastructure is so hard to secure.

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