In a recent Shell release, digital subsurface VP Paul Zeppenfeldt reports on the migration of the company’s subsurface data to the Amazon cloud, ‘overcoming the limitations of traditional, discipline-specific software’. The migration of data to the Shell Subsurface Data Universe (SDU) in the cloud is ‘already well under way’. Shell handed over the technology and concepts of its SDU to seed The Open Group’s OSDU Forum for further development as ‘open source’ software. By moving its SDU data to the AWS cloud Shell plans to ‘accelerate its journey in artificial intelligence and increase cross-disciplinary collaboration’ and in the process is retiring some 25 legacy databases. Shell has moved wells data and applications to the AWS cloud including its WellsOffice application, originally developed at Norske Shell with help from Flinke Folk solution. Shell is now ‘exploring the migration of key seismic processes to the OSDU data platform’.
Blogging on the OSDU Forum website, OSDU luminary Johan Krebbers* acknowledged that OSDU’s work on an energy data platform is not yet complete and OSDU must ‘speed up developments in this area’. At the same time Krebbers argues for an OSDU expansion into new energy fields. OSDU has started working on geothermal and hydrogen which are to be supported by the data platform. These will leverage existing OSDU functionality as deployed in the upstream production services offering, notably OPC UA, Delta Lake and Kafka. Krebbers opines that it is the lack of data standards that is ‘slowing us down’ particularly for hydrogen** but ‘geothermal is only slightly better’. Krebbers dream is to support a mixture of energy sources across offshore wind, hydrogen, solar and batteries all rolled up into a single OSDU data platform.
* Krebbers is currently working part time for Cognite on the integration of the OSDU data platform with Cognite’s Data Fusion.
** Curiously Krebbers did not mention Shell’s 2020 hydrogen digital platform, reported as being based on a ‘repurposed’ OSDU platform.
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