New carbon capture and sequestration software

Kongsberg Digital teams with CMG on GELECO2 software. DNV compares and contrasts KFX CO2 simulator with prior art from TotalEnergies and NETL.

Kongsberg Digital, with partner Computer Modelling Group (CMG) have received funding from Gassnova Norway’s CLIMIT-Demo Program to develop simulation software for CO2 injection into depleted oil and gas reservoirs and saline aquifers. The Climit funding is in addition to that already secured from other operators.

The GELECO2 program is to leverage of Kongsberg Digital’s LedaFlow transient multiphase flow simulator with CMG’s GEM reservoir simulator and will develop a controller program that integrates and manages the interaction between the well and reservoir systems. Both LedaFlow and GEM will be further developed for CO2 simulation to provide an ‘accurate integrated simulation tool for CO2 injection simulations’.

Kongsberg Digital SVP Shane McArdle, said, ‘This project will be key for the success of future CCS projects as it is critical for companies to model CO2 injection in an integrated manner, not with isolated well and reservoir models. Net Zero is a focus area for Kongsberg Digital and developing this software will be a gamechanger within CCS.’

The Kongsberg/CMG announcement came hot on the heels of another Norwegian CCS development which saw DNV and Equinor partner on the development of ‘KFX CO2’, computational fluid dynamics simulation software for CCS as we described in our last issue.

As we have already reported on two projects for CCS storage software as in CCSI from the US NETL and Total’s GEOSX, we asked DNV what was new in KFX and if such ‘prior art’ was leveraged in its development.

DNV’s Kjell Erik Rian came back with the following. ‘As far as I understand, the NETL/CCSI and Total/GEOSX CCS software projects were looking at quite different technical aspects of CCS. The current KFX-CO2 project (with partners Equinor and TotalEnergies) builds on previous KFX CO2 safety R&D supported by Equinor and the Research Council of Norway and on our CO2 dispersion modelling experience obtained through full-scale CCS industry projects. The main goal of the KFX-CO2 project is to improve the KFX simulation technology with respect to industrial CO2 dispersion analyses for realistic conditions. KFX is DNV’s industrial computational fluid dynamics (CFD) tool for 3D consequence analyses of gas dispersion, fires and explosions. KFX is used daily for safety studies in the energy and process industry worldwide.’

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