IOGP Report 2021eu, ‘Environmental data collection user guide (2021 data) – Definitions and exclusions’ covers the collection, collation and reporting of upstream environmental information, a ‘central part of the IOGP work program since 1998’. Member companies submit data relating to their exploration and production activities on an annual basis which is rolled-up into the annual environmental performance indicators report. IOGP performance data can be accessed via the dedicated data site.
A new EU standardization strategy has been announced addressing the ambitions of the twin ‘green and digital’ transitions. The document also describes the implementation of policies including the digital single market, internal markets for renewables, natural gases and hydrogen energy efficiency and climate.
The US NIEM (national information exchange model) is transitioning to become an Open Project Standard under the OASIS standards body. NIEM is a common vocabulary for information exchange between diverse public and private organizations. More from NIEM.
NIST, the US National Institute of Standards and Technology has published a first draft of its AI Risk Management Framework. The AI RMF addresses risks in the design, development, use, and evaluation of AI products, services, and systems. AI RMF 1.0 is planned for release January 2023.
OGC, the Open Geospatial Consortium has just published the 3rd edition of its Guide to the role of standards in geospatial information management. The Guide emanated from a multi-geo standards bodies meet (ISO/TC 211, IHO and OGC) and has been endorsed by the UN Committee of Experts on Global Geospatial Information Management (UN-GGIM). The Guide provides recommendations on the open international standards and good practices necessary to ensure that geospatial data and technologies can be shared and used. The latest edition aligns with the IGIF, the UN Integrated Geospatial Information Framework (IGIF). Download the Guide.
The Digital Twin Consortium, the self-styled ‘authority in digital twin’ has rolled out the digital twin capabilities periodic table (CPT), a framework that can be used to ‘design, develop, deploy, and operate composable digital twins’. The CPT ‘clusters capabilities around common characteristics using a periodic-table approach’. Organizations can use the CPT to determine assess digital twin capabilities and to analyze vendor solutions. Pieter van Schalkwyk, who co-chairs the DTC’s Natural Resources Work Group said, ‘Organizations can use the Digital Twin CPT framework in the boardroom to explain the business case for a digital twin project’. The DTC is a unit of the Object Management Group. More on the CPT.
The XBRL standards board has
announced availability of new units for consistent climate and energy
reporting, an update to the XBRL Unit Registry. These include new units
for measuring greenhouse gas emissions, and a range of new physical
units of use for reporting in the energy sector. XBRL reporting now
extends beyond the financial field and the new units ‘reflect the
increasing variety ways in which XBRL is being used today’. More from XBRL.
PPDM is undertaking a strategy review in the light of the evolving energy landscape. At issue is a possible ‘pivot’ from the current oil and gas focus to a broader ‘energy’ standards body. A name change is also under consideration. A Strategy Position 2022-2027 document is under preparation for discussion at the upcoming PPDM Houston Data Expo.
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