Jeff Allen kicked-off the 2021 ESRI EU PUG Pipeline Session stating that the digital twin is ‘not just a buzzword’. The three key components of the twin are, providing a historical baseline for the asset, support for real time operations data and a forecasting and testing capability to predict outcomes. Esri’s ArcGIS for Pipeline offers a GIS, augmented with a central enterprise data repository along with tools and technology for asst management and the digital twin.
Graham Savage presented BP’s Subsea, Pipeline, Riser Twin (a.k.a. SPiRiT). BP has ‘terabytes of pipeline data’. SPiRiT was developed in BP using out of the box Esri components and a ‘low code’ approach. Data is stored in BP’s global PODS SDE database. The global GIS allows for click through from a pipeline map to bring up a schematic display of the line. Various tabs allow for drill down to other data tables to view anomalies associated with pipe segment types. The solution combines ArcGIS dashboards, and PowerBI tables. In the subsea view, a selector is used to collate information on a particular flexible type. Video seabed survey data can be viewed to see where a pipe is not touching the seabed. Another function is the dynamic alignment sheet, generated on the fly from the PODS database. A documents tag brings up documents tables stored in PODS along with tags that link across to BP’s document management system.
Neal O’Driscoll presented a pipeline integrity management system (PIMS) that his company CHA Integrated Solutions* is developing (with help from Exprodat) for Gas Networks Ireland. GNI was looking for a standards-based pipeline data model/database and settled on PODS. Data is now being migrated from GNI’s Smallworld/Maximo systems along with inline inspection data. The solution combines PODS and Esri technology along with CHA’s Intrepid asset management software, also built on Esri technology. A click on a pipeline brings up digital field book data along with CIPS corrosion data stored in PODS. The PODS data loader is used to import more stuff. Data can be viewed in both Intrepid and in ArcGIS Pro.
* Previously Novara GeoSolutions.
Simon Daniel presented Rosen UK’s work on inline inspections. A survey by the UKOPA found that 21% of all production loss is cause by external interference. This in turn is influenced by pipeline burial depth. Rosen’s methodology for estimating coverage combines a highly accurate digital terrain model from LIDAR surveys with inline inspection measurements from an inertial navigation pig. Convolving the pig navigation data with the terrain model provides depth of pipe, color coded along a strip map display. Regarding accuracy, Lidar provides around 5cm vertical accuracy and 1m resolution. The ILI tool gives around +/- 0.2 m after 2000 m of pig travel. Rosen has surveyed some 1500 km of line to date with 800k measurements. The average depth of cover is around 1.5m. More from Rosen.
Finally a couple of corrections
regarding our report from the Esri EU PUG in our last issue that
Shell’s Berik Davies has provided. Shell’s name for its corporate AGOL
deployment is ‘My Maps’ (not as we had it myMap). Also the focus of the
Discovery system for Shell Maritime (Shipping & Trading) is more on
vessel assurance rather than insurance, involving the spatialization of
Shell’s GMAS, the Group Maritime Assurance System. Our apologies for
the misrepresentations.
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