2021 Matlab Energy Conference

CO2Lab, Sintef’s carbon sequestration reference application. Schlumberger IIC develops winch controller with Simulink/SimScape, tested on Microsoft Jenkins

Speaking at the 2021 Matlab Energy Conference Francesca Watson, (Sintef Digital) introduced the Matlab Carbon Sequestration Reference application, CO2Lab. CO2Lab is based on MRST, Sintef’s open source/Matlab reservoir simulation toolbox. MRST embeds standard industry data formats and includes full simulators, state-of-the-art methods and C/C++ acceleration. The toolbox has seen some 25,000 downloads and has launched some 200 master/PhD theses.

CO2Lab extends MRST to support studies of the long-term behavior of stored CO2. The tool employs vertical equilibrium modelling of CO2 migration in dipping aquifers. CO2Lab is the fruit of decades of academic research and development in CO2 storage modelling. Users can interactively explore geological formations from the Norwegian continental shelf, visualize migration paths and compute capacities for structural, residual, and solubility trapping. Other functionality includes pressure build-up and plume migration, injector placement and detailed simulation of a particular injection site. The GUI allows for interactive variation of simulation parameters such as well locations, injection rates, and boundary conditions. More from Mathworks.

In a far more geeky presentation Fanping Bu presented Schlumberger’s nonlinear model-based adaptive hydraulic winch controller for wireline operations. Bu provides a detailed description of the development of a suite of embedded controllers for the winch controller leveraging model-based design and docker containers. The aim of the system is for autonomous wireline operation in the face of multiple inputs such as hydraulics, drum, cable, tool force and more. An ‘adaptive robust controller’ (ARC) was developed combining multiple container-based services developed with MathWorks Simulink/SimScape. Models were built and software-in-the-loop tested with Microsoft’s Jenkins/Azure DevOps in the cloud. Other MathWorks tools (Stateflow, Control System Toolbox, Simulink Design Optimization) reduced manual coding and sped implementation of the resulting containerized simulator and controller. We asked Bu for clarification as to what services were running and where, ‘The docker services are running locally on edge devices at the well site when they are deployed. When we are testing those docker services for development, they are running on the cloud through Azure DevOps or a Jenkins pipeline.’ See also this IFAC World Congress presentation. Bu works at SLIIC, Schlumberger’s Industrial Internet Center.

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