Blackline Safety has partnered with Vlahi Systems, a provider of cloud-hosted, sensor-driven gas plume dispersion modelling software. The partnership sees data from Blackline’s G7 EXO portable area gas monitors integrated with Vlahi’s real-time, location-enabled web and smartphone-based Ceres plume modelling software.
In a separate announcement, Blackline Safety was named ‘preferred portable gas detection supplier’ for Shell in a three-year framework agreement covering Shell’s global offshore and onshore facilities.
CSB, the US Chemical Safety Board has issued a new safety video,
‘Silent killer: hydrogen sulfide release’ covering its investigation
into the Aghorn Operating waterflood station in Odessa, Texas. The
release fatally injured an Aghorn employee who was working at the
facility as well as his spouse who attempted to locate
him at the facility after he did not return home. The investigation
uncovered six serious safety issues and the CSB made seven
recommendations for improvements at waterflood stations where there is
potential exposure to toxic hydrogen sulfide gas.
Download the summary of the final investigation report here.
IDEC’s HT3P Safety Commander is a tablet holder and hardwired emergency stop function for users of machinery, robotics, automatic guided vehicles and production lines. Traditionally, industrial operations personnel stand in front of fixed control panels, or use dedicated handheld touch panels or teaching pendants. For applications that require more detailed human-machine interface capabilities, IIoT developers are increasingly targeting tablet-based HMI. Safety Commander adds industrial-grade safety to consumer or commercial grade tablets. More from Safety Commander.
The International Oil and Gas Producers association IOGP has issued a number of safety related reports and recommendations. These include:
IOGP Report 459-1 Life-Saving Rules: Start Work Checks, covering controls and safeguards to carried out just prior to starting work.
IOGP Report 2020p Safety performance indicators: process safety events covering offshore and onshore drilling and production incidents and reporting. The report is part of IOGP’s data series.
IOGP Report 643 Guidelines for health, safety, security, environment and social responsibility governance in joint ventures. The document covers governance, policy development, implementation and management of HSSE&SR in oil and gas joint ventures.
IOGP Report 456 v2 Process safety: Recommended practice on key performance indicators aimed at preventing major incidents.
IOGP Info Sheet, ‘Review of Well Control Incidents’ summarizes the results of a review of 172 well control incident reports submitted to IOGP by members through 2019. The full IOGP Report 637R is members-only.
MSA Safety has announced a subscription-based service that combines its connected services platform for actionable, real-time data with the Altair IO 4 gas detector. The hardware and software combination features a ‘cloud-ready’ wearable gas detector linked to the MSA+ subscription service, a ‘direct-to-cloud’ gas detection system with global cellular connectivity and GPS location tracking. More from MSA Safety.
Viking Integrated Safety’s new VSF300 and VSF301 video flame detectors are designed for hazardous environments. The detectors process live video images to characterize flame properties by means of FM and SIL 2-certified flame detection algorithms and an onboard digital signal processor. VIS has also introduced the VSF303, an infrared flame detector that detects hydrocarbon fires over a long range. More from Viking.
GTI and Semtech have announced a new natural gas smart safety shutoff system that leverages LoRaWAN wireless connectivity. The solution comprises a remote methane detector, smart valve and smart meter. When methane is detected, the valve and meter are shut off, preventing a possible gas-related incident. More from Semtech.
SlateSafety has raised $1.7 million in a seed round led by Sherron Lewis’ RFSI fund to develop its next-generation wearable armband, SlateSafety Band V2. SlateSafety (formerly FireHUD) has received over $2 million in funding from both the National Science Foundation and the United States Air Force to develop and deploy an easy-to-use wearable that enables real-time group physiological monitoring for first responders, the military, and industrial workers. The wearable monitors biometric markers such as heart rate and core body temperature, creating personalized profiles that predict exertion levels workers and provide real-time alerts to prevent injuries and deaths.
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