Standards Stuff

OPC takes over MDIS sub-sea comms standard. OPC and CESMII announce UA Cloud Library. Digital Twin Consortium proposes interoperability framework. Energistics now The Open Group affiliate. OGC approves OGC web API, publishes guide for earth observation apps. PPDM strategy review. PPDM/Dancy Energy launched DANR Hub. XBRL for greenhouse gas reporting. More GAFA appointees at W3C.

OPCF, the Open Process Control Foundation has taken over the ownership of the MDIS sub-sea data process control communications standard. MDIS is designed to connect a subsea master control systems with the topside DCS. Back in 2017, MDIS selected OPC UA as its protocol standard. The network is managed by OTM Consulting, now a Sagentia Innovation unit. The MDIS spec is freely available for market adoption and the MDIS working group is open to all interested OPC Foundation members. More from MDIS.

The OPC Foundation and CESMII, the Clean Energy and Smart Manufacturing Innovation Institute have announced the UA Cloud Library providing access to OPC UA information models DEXPI and MDIS. IoT vendors said to have adopted the OPC UA cloud technology include Amazon Web Services, Google Cloud, IBM, Microsoft, SAP and Siemens.

The Digital Twin Consortium, a unit of the Object Management Group, recently published a white paper describing a ‘simple, scalable interoperability framework’ for the digital twin. The 28 page publication lays down ‘seven key concepts to create complex systems that interoperate at scale’ and includes many short and wooly definitions of the nebulous concepts that constitute the digital twin meme.

Energistics is now an affiliate of The Open Group. Energistics continues as a separate entity, with TOG assuming the control of operations. The special interest groups continue with notably the recent release of the Energistics Transfer Protocol V1.2 and a consolidated release candidate. Oil IT Journal tested the new organization’s reactivity with a cheeky ping to So far nothing.

OGC Membership has approved the OGC API Processes Part 1: Core specification as official OGC Standard. OGC API Processes is a means to ‘build simple-to-understand Web APIs through which complex computational tasks can be executed’. The API is a successor to the OGC web processing service and supports geoprocessing by ‘wrapping complex data processing tasks into a list of processes available for execution by a client’. Areas of application include raster algebra, geometry buffering, constructive area geometry, routing, imagery analysis, ETL and more. Visit the API minisite.

OGC has also just published a best practice guide for earth observation application packages, covering the implementation, packaging, and deployment of cross-cloud EO applications. Download this and other guides from the OGC best practices home page.

The PPDM Association’s board of directors has conducted a comprehensive strategy review with the intent of developing a new five-year plan, deemed critical to maintain the relevance and long-term sustainability of the association. The new work program is to expand coverage into the field of renewables, emissions monitoring and alternative energies, while continuing to support and enhance its petroleum-related resources.

The PPDM Association, supported by Dancy Energy, has launched a new Data as a National Resource (DANR) Hub. The hub is designed to support national data repositories, regulators and national oil companies looking to leverage, maintain and improve their data. The new global community includes a virtual hub, resources and information, virtual and potentially in-person events, professional development, a showcase, and more. More from the DANR Hub.

The XBRL Standards Board has approved updates to the data type and unit type registries to support greenhouse gas emissions reporting. .More on the XBRL specification sites for data types and units.

Recent additions to the World Wide Web Consortium’s technical architecture group illustrate the regulatory capture that big tech has exercised over web standards. The new appointees hail from Microsoft, Alibaba and Google. There is little chance of these folks working on any technologies that might limit their stranglehold on the web! A 2019 investigation by the House Judiciary Committee found that ‘Google has an outsized role in the formal stakeholder standards-making processes’ citing one market participant as saying ‘Though standards bodies like the W3C give the impression of being a place where vendors collaborate to improve the web platform; in reality Google’s monopoly position and aggressive rate of shipping non-standard features frequently reduce standards bodies to codifying web features and decisions Google has already made’.

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