The UK-based International Oil and Gas Producers’ association (IOGP) has announced a ‘Global Equipment Hub’ (GEH). The GEH combines two IOGP joint industry projects JIP 33 (equipment procurement specifications) and JIP 36, formerly CFIHOS, the capital facilities information hand over specification. The GEH is to be a ‘cloud-based repository for storing and exchanging vendor equipment information’. IOGP report that some 40% of equipment is common across the industry, and yet ‘millions of dollars annually are wasted processing, packaging, and transferring the data associated with it through the supply chain on single projects’. Equipment vendors will be encouraged to upload their information, making it available to package suppliers, EPC contractors and owner/operators.
The concept originated in the IOGP’s Digitalization and Information Standards Committee. Following a 2020 pilot, JIP 33 is working with Sharecat Solutions on an initial, minimum viable product and API for operators. The MVP will focus on electrical specification products which account for nearly a third of the 48 JIP 33 specifications to date.
Meanwhile JIP 36/CFIHOS has released V1.5 of its data standard. The
new version supports the ‘practical implementation’ of JIP33 with
clearer definition of information on information exchanged and linkage
between JIP33 documents and the CFIHOS Reference Data Library. CFIHOS
is also now aligned with Norway’s EqHub. EqHub is Sharecat Solutions’
technology flagship and is now used by ‘all the major operators in the Norwegian sector’. Read the CFIHOS release notes here.
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