A recent meeting of the Energistics WTSML special interest group has been validating the final version of ETP v1.2, due for release soon, and discussing the next version of WITSML. The discussions covered the authentication of connecting applications to an ETP server, JSON style guides for Energistics standards, and the migration from WITSML v1.4.1.1 to v2.x. The latter includes proposals to promote compatibility with the OSDU Data Platform, capturing Practical Well Log Standards information and incorporating new IADC codes in WITSML reporting objects. The PWLS mnemonics reference library, now available to OSDU, covers over 45,000 entries for data channels associated with well-logging services across the industry. Energistics’ RESQML Spring ILAB focused on the delivery of RESQML v2.2, with the expectation of a release candidate ready for public review and comment in a few months’ time. Again support for the OSDU data platform’s Reservoir Domain Data Management Service (rDDMS) is planned. A ‘significant portion’ of the ILAB week was spent discussing issues emerging from the OSDU reservoir initiative, which ‘exemplifies the ability of and need for the Energistics and OSDU communities to collaboratively deliver standards and related services that support the industry’. Energistics is supporting OSDU with technology that allows key WITSML data types and metadata to be ingested into the OSDU data store. These have been tested with all four OSDU cloud providers. Energistics has also proposed a post-Mercury (OSDU V3) project to add reservoir data to OSDU. This project utilizes RESQML, a vendor-neutral format for such complex data types, as the fundamental building block. Members are ‘actively developing’ code to add this key functionality to OSDU. PRODML is likewise a critical part of the Production project within OSDU, with proven capabilities to convey production volumes, fluid types, well-test data, downhole and surface facilities, production hierarchies, etc. More from Energistics.
The Open Group’s Open Process Automation Forum, the ExxonMobil-backed process control standards initiative, has published its O-PAS Version 2.1 preliminary standard. The release is said to be a milestone towards testing and field trials of the O-PAS Standard. The ‘standard of standards’ sets out to facilitate ‘open, interoperable, and secure process automation systems’. Version 2.1 adds new configuration portability capabilities to the information model of Version 2.0. An O-PAS certification program is due for launch in the first half of 2022 along with the final V 2.1 release. Following which, OPAF will work towards V 3.0, which will address system orchestration, application portability, and further detail the physical distributed control platform. More from the OPAF.
Emerson has integrated the Namur Module Type Package (MTP) process automation standard into its control systems, as part of a continued effort to help manufacturers increase speed-to-market and reduce project and operations costs. More about the integration at Emerson.
AmsterCHEM has released its Python CAPE-OPEN Unit Operation, a new solution for prototyping a unit operation model while ensuring CAPE-OPEN interoperability with a process simulator. The Python CAPE-OPEN UO builds on COBIA middleware in a notable ‘first-ever’ use. The new UO system was extensively and successfully tested by Martin Gainville from IFP Energies Nouvelles. The solution complements other wrappers such as the MATLAB, Scilab and Microsoft Excel, also from AmsterCHEM. More from COLAN.
The Digital Twin Consortium, an Object Management Group unit, has announced an open-source collaboration to encourage digital twin innovation. Consortium members and non-members can collaborate on open-source projects, code, and collateral and become part of the DTC ecosystem. Candidates complete a project application for review by the DTC Technical Advisory Committee. On approval, contributors upload their code to the DTC Open-Source Collaboration GitHub site. More from the DTC.
A new white paper in the ECCMA ISO 8000 series, authored by Peter Benson addresses the issue of import substitution industrialization (ISI). ISI aims to enable open markets and globalization by ‘efficiently distributing scarce resources using price to balance supply and demand’. As governments regulate the mobility of capital, labor, goods, or services in support of their local policies, this impacts market efficiency which is typically reflected in local price anomalies making it difficult to calculate the true cost. This white paper looks at how international data quality standards are used to aggregate production and supply chain data to characterize a product; including how, where and when it was made and by whom. Poster child for ISI principles is the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia through its 2030 Vision program. This includes the Saudi National Industrial Development and Logistics Program that delineates opportunities for import substitution across key industrial sectors. Benson advocates that requests for exemption from import duty should be accompanied by a part number in ISO 8000-115 format and a specification in ISO 22745-40 format, ‘simple requirements that can be met by any manufacturer or supplier’.
The European Commission has adopted a new EU Strategy on Adaptation to Climate Change which calls for ‘increased cooperation with standardization organizations to make sure that existing standards are climate-proof and to develop new ones for climate adaptation solutions’. CEN and CENELEC support the EU effort to mitigate climate change, and the preparation for its ‘unavoidable consequences’. CEN and CENELEC have been working with the EU Commission on ‘climate proofing’ key infrastructures by revising the relevant priority standards. More from the CEN/TC 467. An overview of CEN and CENELEC’s activities to support the efforts to mitigate climate change can be found in the policy paper ‘Standards in support of the European Green Deal’.
A recent joint SPE/OGCI webinar addressed the use of the SRMS to categorize existing CO2 storage assessment and for making new assessments. A new version of the OGCI’s CO2 Storage Catalogue has just been released with new countries and resources. These include an explainer of the SRMS classification system, how storage potential and maturity is evaluated, and how public assessments are translated into data for the Catalogue. The methodology developed by Pale Blue Dot Energy closely follows the definitions of the Storage Resource Management Scheme (SRMS). Under this system, the evaluated geologic formations are defined as ‘stored’, ‘capacity’ and ‘resource’. OGCI comments that ‘the current assessments notes that the majority of resource assessments are non-commercial, highlighting the critical need for the nascent CCUS industry to incorporate project-specific requirements (infrastructure, number of penetrations) to a specific resource’. The intent is to capture the maturity of commercial resources available to CCUS projects globally. More from OGCI.
XBRL International reports that the European Commission has adopted a proposal for a Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD). This is to leverage Inline XBRL (iXBRL) to report ‘detailed and consistent’ structured data, marking ‘a new chapter in environmental, social and governance (ESG) disclosure’. CSRD aims to create a set of rules that will, over time, bring sustainability reporting on a par with financial reporting’. CSRD extends the EU Single Electronic Format, currently rolling out for financial reporting, to ESG, requiring companies to tag sustainability information, making it machine-readable and comparable. The Commission also envisages that disclosures will be made available through the developing European Single Access Point. CSRD will introduce mandatory EU-wide sustainability reporting standards, developed by the European Financial Reporting Advisory Group (EFRAG). More from the EU Commission XXXX https://ec.europa.eu/info/publications/210421-sustainable-finance-communication_en#csrd
The US Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) has produced a new fact sheet in its ‘FASB in Focus’ series, titled ‘XBRL: What is it? Why the FASB? Who uses it?.’ The fact sheet explains what XBRL is, how it’s used in the US ‘GAAP Taxonomy’ (made up of the GAAP Financial Reporting Taxonomy and SEC Reporting Taxonomy) to tag financial reports, making them machine-readable and comparable. The FASB reports that machines represent over 95% of visitors to its online EDGAR portal.
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