The American Petroleum Institute (API) and the African Energy Chamber (AEC) have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to collaborate on capacity building initiatives and standardization to enhance safety, environmental protection and sustainability in African countries producing natural gas and oil. The MOU will facilitate the development of training programs and seminars, sharing of HSE best practices and conference organization.
Brady Corporation now offers pipe markers compliant with ISO 20560, a new standard for the identification of hidden and often hazardous pipe contents in factories and facilities. More from Brady.
CEN, the EU Committee for Standardization has announced the CEN-CENELEC Sector Forum on Energy Management/Transition
(SFEM), an advisory and coordination body for policy and strategic
matters in relation to the standardization of energy management and
efficiency. The SFEM is to ‘anticipate future standardization
developments and map the need for legislative improvements’, and
support innovation by financing and de-risking the tools that
contribute to energy efficiency. To kick things off the SFEM is
launching a work group ‘dedicated to blockchain’ to explore a
‘framework for the internet’.
We have pinged CEN with a pointer to Neil McNaughton’s 2018 analysis of blockchain and his recent letter to the Financial Times on the subject.
Under the leadership of NEN, the Dutch National Standardization Body, CEN/TC 19 and the EU Oil Spill Identification Network have announced a new EU standard for oil pollution characterization. The standard can be used to prosecute violators of environmental legislation for the discharge of oil. More on the upcoming EN 15522 ‘Oil spill identification Petroleum and petroleum related products’ from NEN.
Energistics has issued an update to its Practical Well Log Standard. PWLS V3.0 results from numerous contributions and a review process involving experts from nine companies. PWLS is a free, central repository of well log curve names. There are now some 50,000 acquisition curve types ‘of which about 1,000 deliver the majority of the value’. Energistics CEO Ross Philo said, ‘As the upstream industry accelerates its digital transformation initiatives, vendor-neutral reference material such as PWLS 3.0 helps remove ambiguities from data, which greatly facilitates the automation of data management tasks ahead of analytics and AI-driven activities’. Download the Energistics standards and documentation here.
The Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) is seeking comment on a new Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) taxonomy. The XBRL taxonomy covers all 77 of the SASB’s standards. It was developed by SASB in conjunction with PwC, and tested using Workiva’s WDesk platform.
The XBRL standards body is pushing for the UK Government to leverage its ESG standards in its Streamlined Energy and Carbon Reporting (SECR) legislation that now requires all large UK companies to report on their annual energy use, greenhouse gas emissions, and energy efficiency measures.
The IOGP’s Digitalization and Information Standards Subcommittee (DISC), now chaired by Emile Coetzer (Chevron), has published DSDA, a data standards domain analysis. Some 100 information standards have been reviewed to identify ‘opportunities’ in process safety, asset integrity and information management and IT. Other work covers product lifecycle management and a global equipment hub taskforce to explore options for a cloud-based repository of standard vendor documents and data. An IOGP industry digitalization roadmap taskforce concluded that ‘data foundation standards are needed and that data applications should be separated via an API layer’. The mooted data foundation standards may be coming from a proposed ‘trilateral alliance’ between IOGP, OSDU (Open Subsurface Data Universe), and the blockchain-boosters of the World Economic Forum. More from the IOGP DISC webpage.
IOGP Report 604 provides guidance on developing requirements for large, complex oil and gas projects. This guidance draws from good practices across the industry and has been applied by some IOGP JIPs to improve the quality of technical writing.
IOGP Report 373-19 ‘Guidelines for GNSS positioning in the oil and gas industry’, a joint IOGP-IMCA publication, provides guidelines for the use of global navigation satellite systems to position vessels, vehicles and other fixed and mobile installations during oil exploration and production. The overview of recommended principles for reliable positioning includes recommended minimum statistical testing and quality measures essential for rigorous QC and performance assessment.
A new white paper, ‘Characteristics of IIoT Models’ from the Industrial Internet Consortium surveys IIoT information models and proposes a meta-model for interoperability. IoT system interoperability requires agreement on the context and meaning of the data being exchanged, ‘a.k.a. semantic interoperability’, as captured in an information model. The white paper addresses the challenge of integrating IIoT subsystems that use different information models, proposing a ‘descriptive or semantic approach’ to enable interoperability and ‘ultimately digital transformation’. IoT models under consideration include the W3C’s Web of Things, the OGC’s SensorThings API, the OPC Foundation’s OPC UA, Industrie 4.0’s Asset Administration Shell, IPSO Smart Objects and the IETF One Data Model.
Nikola Corporation’s Antonio Ruiz has been appointed to lead a three-year hydrogen fueling global standardization project for the International Standardization Organization’s Technical Committee 197 (ISO/TC 197). The TC 197 is to standardize systems and devices for the production, storage, transport, measurement and use of hydrogen. Nikola is developing an electric truck that got much media attention when the company admitted that a promotional video showed the vehicle rolling downhill.
The Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC)’s Executable Test Suite (ETS) for version 2.0 of the Observations and Measurements (O&M) XML Encoding Standard has been approved by the OGC Membership. Products that implement the O&M XML 2.0 Standard and pass the tests in the ETS can now be certified as OGC Compliant. The encoding underpins the OGC Sensor Observation Service (SOS), used in air quality monitoring, hydrology, agriculture, environmental protection, land management, geology, defense, security, and public safety. Implementers of OGC standards can validate their products using the OGC validator.
The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) and the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) report from a Joint Workshop on Maps for the Web. Peter Rushforth (Natural Resources Canada) chaired the event, which set out to ‘improve browser-based maps on the web through a standards-approach’. Read the comprehensive report and download the presentations here.
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