DISKOS 2.0 awarded

Norway’s subsurface shared data platform returns to Halliburton/Landmark. Kadme gets trade module. New Guide to the Resource Regulations issued.

NPD, the Norwegian Petroleum Directorate has announced the award of the two-part Diskos 2.0 data contract to Halliburton/Landmark (subsurface) and Kadme (trade). The subsurface component covers seismic, well and production data and the trade solution covers data exchange and trade managed by Norwegian Oil and Gas, where user rights to the data sets are awarded to Kadme. The contracts have a total duration of eight years; five years plus three option years. The estimated total value is NOK 157 million.

Kadme was a partner in the current Diskos manifestation. The return of Landmark displaces CGG’s ‘Akon’ data management solution. DISKOS was originally run by an IBM-led consortium, which developed the PetroBank data management system. This was later taken over by Halliburton unit Landmark Graphics. At its 2004 renewal, PetroBank was retained, but operations passed to Schlumberger. In 2009, Landmark was back in the driving seat, to be replaced again by CGG in 2015 operating its own Trango-derived ‘Akon’ data management platform.

NPD has also released an updated ‘Veileder til Ressursforskriften’ (Guide to the Resource Regulations), only available in Norwegian at the time of writing. The guide covers, inter alia, the unambiguous identification of production metrology, and the mandated use of the NPD’s unique identification codes (NPID), discovery and well designations. Visit the DISKOS home page.

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