Since control of CFIHOS, the Capital facilities information handover standard, passed from the Netherlands-based USPI-NL to the IOGP in 2019, IOGP reports 2020 as a ‘year of renewal’ for the standard. Version 1.4 of the standard (first announced for 2017) was published in 2019 and isnow available from the IOGP. CFIHOS is now an IOGP Joint Industry Program (JIP36) with its own website and LinkedIn page. IOGP has also produced a video outlining the CFIHOS story and purported benefits. CFIHOS’ ‘ultimate goal’ is now described as to become ‘the go-to standard for the information supply chain’. A ‘point release’ 1.4.1 was issued early in 2021 with some improvements to the data model and revised documentation, notably an ‘Implementation Guide for Principals’. The Reference Data Library (RDL) is unchanged. More from the CFIHOS standards home page.
The CFIHOS RDL has its roots in the venerable ISO 15926 suite of process industry standards. The CFIHOS intent, as we understand it, was to simplify the ISO standard with a shift from the earlier ‘semantic web’ technology advocated in ISO 15926 to a simpler Excel/CSV format. A quick look at the 1.4 published standard shows that this is not just a ‘simple spreadsheet’. The key ‘Using the data model document’ is a 57-page explainer replete with entity-relationship models covering the vast scope of the engineering domain.
USPI-NL reports progress on its Facilities Lifecycle 3D Model Specification (FL3DMS) a standard for 3D model design integration for creating Digital Twins and for replication and reuse of 3D designs. The draft standard has been created using existing 3D Model company standards and best practices of all the participants. It focuses on the technical requirements for the creation and handover of 3D models such that the 3D model can be used for different use cases in projects and operations. Current membership includes Equinor, Shell, BP, ExxonMobil, Total, IOGP and service providers. The first draft of the new spec was issued to membership in January 2021 with help from Equinor.
USPI, through its activities in ISO TC 184/SC 4, is working to make the ISO deliverables easier to use, more accessible and aligned with the latest technologies. The ISO 15926 reference data class library (Part 4) is to be extended to support industry projects such as CFIHOS. The practical implementation of ISO 15926 will be the subjects of a workshop USPI will organize in the first half of 2021. More from USPI and on LinkedIn.
Hans Teijgeler, retired senior manager of information management at Fluor and ISO 15926 evangelist, has been working with the CFIHOS published standard to show how the CFIHOS RDL relates to the ISO 15926-4 RDL (Teijgeler has also mapped and harmonized the DEXPI* RDL with ISO 15926). Teijgeler has kindly contributed a short note ‘ISO 15926 - a status report’ which we publish as an Oil IT Journal contributed paper.
* Data exchange in the process industry.
Another ISO 15926 luminary, Matthew West (formerly with Shell) reports his involvement in the UK’s National Digital Twin
program a partnership between the UK Government and Cambridge
University that is to develop ‘an ecosystem of connected digital twins
to foster better outcomes from the built environment’. That should be easy!
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