The Open Group, OSDU’s parent, has signed a three-year memorandum of understanding with the International Association of Oil & Gas Producers (IOGP) to collaborate on common information standards. The Open Group is bringing OSDU, the Open Process Automation Forum and the recently announced Open Footprint Forum to the table. IOGP currently manages CFIHOS, the capital facilities information handover standard (see elsewhere in this issue) and is working to develop IDR, an Industry Digitalization Roadmap*, which ‘has touchpoints with the strategic direction of the OSDU Forum’. The partnership is destined to ‘enrich OSDU’ with IOGP-curated standards and technologies’ and also ‘to facilitate IOGP in delivering the IDR in an Agile manner’.
* No sign of this on the IOGP digitization page but probably a reference to its work with CFIHOS, see elsewhere in this issue.
Energistics has signed a memorandum of understanding with The Open Group covering collaboration between their respective memberships and ensure that the Energistics standards evolve to meet the requirements of The Open Group’s OSDU data platform. Energistics CEO Ross Philo explained, ‘While a number of companies are members of both The Open Group and Energistics, there is not a complete overlap. To enable seamless collaboration between stakeholders in both groups, we will establish processes to allow the harmonization of priorities and cross-member participation. We are committed to supporting the success of The Open Group OSDU Data Platform’. OSDU Forum Chair Phillip Jong added ‘We are pleased to join forces with Energistics and leverage the existing Energistics standards. The OSDU data platform will provide implementations of these standards and expose the data to applications via OSDU APIs’.
OSDU has also re-affirmed its collaboration with PPDM, leveraging ‘semantic standards’ such as ‘What Is A Well’ and ‘Well Status’ and ‘Classification’. Design teams are working to convert the PPDM data model as JSON schema and also to leverage the PPDM Data Rules library and Well Identification best practices.
The community is waiting with bated breath for the OSDU Data Platform Mercury Release (R3), due out on March 24, 2021. Mercury*, described as the first production release and a milestone for the community, adds end user functionality and enterprise-level trust and security. Data access is enhanced with ‘domain data management systems’ and data ingestion with automated enrichment capabilities to support customer-defined policies.
Other OSDU plans for 2021 include support of production and facilities data based on Schlumberger’s
Delfi. Also planned is support for high-volume real-time data workflows
across drilling, seismic and streaming production data with end-to-end
data pipelines (a.k.a. ‘DataOps’) with reference to the ‘integration
and facilitation of D-WIS
products’. OSDU support for ‘Edge computing’ is also planned for low
latency requirements. OSDU is to extend to become a ‘data platform for
LNG’, supporting LNG business workflows and services. Finally, OSDU is
planning a hosted ‘OSDU as-a-service’ platform, enabling adoption by
mid-size and small operators.
* Mercury is an interesting moniker for OSDU’s latest offering, harking back to the Exxon/IBM Mercury data model of the 1990s, the grandfather of upstream data models that begat, inter alia, POSC’s Epicentre.
Cegal has jumped the gun on OSDUaaS with the announcement of a packaged version of the Open Subsurface Data Universe running in the Microsoft Azure cloud. OSDUaaS is claimed to be a ‘genuinely vendor-neutral solution for OSDU-related services’ and can integrate with other data platforms, cloud solutions and applications. Users can pick and choose the applications they need as opposed to being locked-in to a single vendor. Cegal is looking for early adopters of its solution to test the new platform and move, over the next few years, from current software landscapes, where data is tightly coupled with applications, to a ‘full cloud-native platform’ for subsurface workflows. More from Cegal.
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