The Global Legal Entity Identifier Foundation has published the Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) taxonomy as a proposed recommendation. Download the taxonomy here. We were curious to know how the LEI relates to the ISO 8000-116 standard we learned about from Peter Eales in our 2017 article. As Eales explained to us, ‘During the development of the ISO 8000-116 standard there was a liaison between the two working groups, and an acceptance by GLEIF that, by definition, the LEI as defined in ISO 17442 is a ‘proxy identifier’. Whereas the LEI (a.k.a. ISO 17442) creates its own registry and assigns a number to a legal entity. ISO 8000-116 uses a country and registry code from ISO 3166 and adds the existing local identifier. For example, MRO Insyte has been assigned a company number of 06236771 by Companies House in England & Wales So its authoritative legal entity identifier is GB-EAW.CR:06236771.
The XBRL US Data Quality Committee has published its 12th ruleset for public review. The DQC helps enhance data accuracy by providing US GAAP and IFRS filers with freely available automated checks that can test an XBRL financial statement prior to SEC submission.
The front cover of the April 2020 newsletter from ECCMA, the international standards body, rather grandly sports the tag line, ‘data science specialists, shaping and implementing data quality standards for two decades and counting’. The contents are rather more prosaic, addressing the 2019 ISO 8000-116 for corporate ‘authoritative’ legal entity identifiers (ALEIs). ECCMA’s public website, is said to allow companies to locate their on-line government register, find their ALEI, and format it in accordance with ISO 8000-116.
The US SEC has updated its Test Suite for software developers working on filings that conform to the Edgar Filing Manual.
The Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) seeks public comment on the candidate CDB* version 1.2 standard. The CDB is conceptual model for data management in a synthetic environment as required in high-fidelity simulation or mission rehearsal, such as battlefield simulation. The standard is said to addresses the challenge of ‘plug-and-play interoperability’ and reuse of geospatial data in a modeling and simulation environment. More from OGC.
* Formerly the Common DataBase
The OGC has published the outcomes of its 2019 R&D initiative, Testbed-15. The program tested OGC-compliant earth observation technology, geospatial data security, federated web service cloud environments and more. The testbed was backed, inter alia, by Natural Resources Canada, the USGS and NASA.
Energistics has announced a candidate released V3.0 of PWLS, the Practical Well Log Standard. PWLS enumerates the terminology used by service companies to describe proprietary tools and associated data deliverables. The standard categorizes these marketing names and obscure mnemonics in plain English. PWLS provides an industry-agreed list of logging tool classes and a hierarchy of measurement properties. The previous PWLS V2.0 dates back to 2003. V3 has been expanded to cover four product lines: wireline, drilling, mudlogging and MWD/LWD, associating the logging tools with the curves they measure. The PWLS version 3.0 candidate release is available for public review until August 15, 2020. Download the zip file here.
PPDM reports that its participation in the Open Subsurface Data Universe project will allow OSDU to leverage PPDM standards and best practices by extracting terms and definitions embedded in the PPDM data model, using the PPDM data rules library to improve data trust and leveraging reference lists such as the What is a Well, Completion and Status documents. PPDM has announced the imminent released of Well Status & Classification V3 with updated facets, clarifications and sample rules.
The technical standards committee of the Society of Exploration Geophysicists has announced the imminent release of SEG-Y Release 2. The update on the SEG’s standard for stacked seismic data (the original SEG-Y was published in 1975) is intended to simplify data ingestion with a machine readable format and a comprehensive header that is suited for use in the cloud (see also the lead article in this issue). A companion guidance document will be issued to show oils and contractors how to leverage the new mandatory fields. The standard and guidance document will be available on the TC web page real soon now.
The International Industrial Internet Consortium has published a short note on ‘Enabling digital transformation (DX) IoT performance and properties measurement’. The note describes the IIC’s IoT security maturity model/framework, a framework that ‘informs compromises that improve the trustworthiness of a system’.
The OPC Foundation has announced OPC UA Safety Release 1.00. SR 1.00 aka Part 15 of the OPC UA core spec is based on the ‘black channel’ principle and addresses controller-to-controller communication using OPC UA clients/servers.
In the OPC’s March 2020 newsletter, OPC president Stefan Hoppe bemoaned the ‘downside of the user group boom’ and the emergence of independent ‘splinter groups’ and ‘completely new consortia’ that are taking up the cause of interoperability. ‘Instead of investing a lot of effort in the foundation of new organizations, I invite you to join the OPC Foundation directly’.
The World Wide Web Consortium has published a web of things architecture and WoT ‘Thing’ description. The new recommendations are said to enable ‘easy integration’ across IoT platforms and applications. The WoT covers smart home, industrial, smart city and other domains where IoT systems combine devices from multiple vendors and ecosystems.
The Object Management Group has formed a ‘Digital Twin Consortium’ along with Ansys, Dell Technologies, Microsoft and Australian property developer Lendlease. The plan is to ‘create standard terminology, reference architectures and share use cases across industries ‘from aerospace to natural resources’. DTC early innovators, a.k.a. ‘groundbreakers’ includes the US Air Force Research Lab, Bentley Systems and others.
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