Contrary to what we may have implied in our last issue, Halliburton, far from being left out in the cold by Schlumberger’s land grab of OSDU*, is ‘working diligently’ on its OSDU commitments to the community and to the industry at large and will ‘continue to look for more opportunities and ways to make OSDU successful’. The statement was made in a blog post by Chandra Yeleshwarapu, senior director of customer experience and digital.
Yeleshwarapu reports that the idea of an Open Subsurface Data Universe (OSDU) germinated at the Landmark OpenEarth Community (OEC) founders meetings in 2018. Halliburton joined OSDU as an active member in December of 2018 and later made a commitment to implement OSDU-compliant, cloud native microservices and plans that all products and solutions from Halliburton Landmark will be OSDU compliant. OSDU will be available in OEC projects to write more OSDU compliant applications and microservices. This will enable the community of developers on OEC to develop more applications and services on OSDU.
Halliburton Landmark has showcased OSDU-compatible, cloud-native applications for AI/ML-based workflows that let data scientists build new models on top of OSDU. DecisionSpace 365 data foundation, integration foundation and assisted lithology interpretation and other apps are now ‘all running on OSDU’. DecisionSpace 365 can run on a customer’s own cloud subscription. The capability was jointly developed with Microsoft and lets users co-locate DecisionSpace 365 with the rest of their data and digital portfolio, including OSDU, taking advantage of corporate Microsoft Azure agreements. Yeleshwarapu concludes ‘As new versions of OSDU are released, we plan that all of the applications will be compatible with and run on top of OSDU’.
* The Open subsurface data universe – see Oil IT Journal N° 250.
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