The Open Group has announced a data scientist certification program, available to those who can ‘demonstrate skills and experience in the data science profession and who have applied those skills to solve business problems and drive change within an organization’. The certification program was initially brought to TOG by IBM. IBM is the first accredited organization to offer the certification.
Wild Well Control has launched an online ‘Introduction to drilling operations’ (IDO) e-learning course. IDO meets all regulatory guidelines and is IADC WellSharp accredited. The course targets operators, contractors and service companies, as well as non-technical and non-industry personnel. The 20 3D visually animated lessons are said to increase students’ awareness and understanding of drilling and the importance of maintaining well control at all times.
The Texas Railroad Commission has rolled-out ‘Boots on the Ground’ an oil and gas inspector training program, its first-ever new inspector training school. Training targets new oil and gas inspectors with less than two years tenure at the RRC and provides candidates with an understanding of the agency’s inspection process, oil and gas rules and necessary technical knowledge to provide consistent enforcement across Texas.
Ikon Science has made its rock physics and reservoir characterization training classes available online. Classes have been ‘chopped into bite-sized chunks’ offering access to easy-to-follow mini-workflows at any time. A seismic data conditioning and AVO inversion course is also in preparation. Ikon’s e-learning courses cost $750 per user for three months, and are free for those on current maintenance and support contracts. More from Ikon.
The informative GreaseBook has published a blog and guide to operating and servicing pumping units. The guide provides practical advice and tips on operating electric motor-driven pumping units and their control systems, and on natural gas engine mechanical lifts.
Opto 22 has released the Groov/Epic Learning Center, a hardware and software benchtop system for learning and developing process control systems using Opto 22’s technology. Hardware is assembled on a desktop operator load panel with illuminated pushbuttons, a potentiometer, a temperature probe, a Sonalert alarm and LED indicator, all delivered in a robust ‘Pelican’ case. The unit comes pre-loaded with software packages for configuration and troubleshooting, a real-time control engine to run flowchart-based control programs and a Codesys runtime engine for IEC-61131-3 compatible controllers. Other goodies include Ignition Edge from Inductive Automation, MQTT/Sparkplug, Node-RED and Python, C/C++ interfaces. A free online version is available. Opto 22 has also released a new video in its Automation 101 series providing ‘a thorough explanation of the MQTT broker’. MQTT enables device and application data exchange ‘with little or no IT involvement’. The tutorial explains how the MQTT broker works in IoT and IIoT applications. MQTT’s Publish/Subscribe model is said to best ‘the traditional poll and response model’. The broker acts as a post office providing ‘topic’ endpoints to subscribers.
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