In these days of digital twins, one technology that may prove useful to the oil and gas vertical is the Modelica environment. The tool has been used in the past (by ENI) to model systems of systems in the context of an offshore oil and gas production platform. Peter Fritzson provided an update on the OpenModelica association’s work at the 2019 Annual Workshop. OpenModelica is an open source environment for modeling complex physical systems. At the 2019 event, the approach was used in a similar context by ABB to drive its ABB Optimax model-based control products for power generation and water utilities. OpenModelica provided ‘outstanding’ debugging features that save time during model development of this large industrial use case.
The latest edition of the software adds interactive simulation and control of simulations with OPC-UA, parameter-based sensitivity and robust optimization. OMSysIdent system parameter identification provides parameter estimation for composite models using the Google-developed Ceres solver. A ‘ParModAuto’ parallelization module provides automatic tuning and parallelization of equation-based models and automatic task clustering and load balancing. Current industrial users of OpenModelica include ABB Optimax (generating code that controls almost 10% of German power production), DHI, Bosch-Rexroth and EDF. Modelicon Infotech has used the toolset to develop a model-based controller for UAVs and robots. More from OpenModelica.
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