The International Data Spaces (IDS) Data Architecture has been declared ready for commercial use with the roll-out of the IDS Reference Architecture Model 3.0. The protocol, which has been described as ‘the engine of the European data airbus’, provides a secure data exchange mechanism for smart factories and energy. IDS provides data sovereignty measures in IoT devices that ensure secure and trusted data communication between mass deployments of networked devices. An ‘IDS_ready’ certification ensures that an organization complies with the IDS reference architecture and the DIN SPEC 27070 standard. IDS has also produced a position paper on the application of blockchain in the context of international data spaces. Blockchains and distributed ledger technologies are ‘suitable, mature, and accepted technologies’ for the application in data-driven business ecosystems. The paper was authored by IBM, TNO and Fraunhofer Institute with funding from the EU Horizon 2020 program. IDS currently has data hubs in the Netherlands, France, Finland, the Czech Republic, Italy and Spain .More from IDS.
The American Petroleum Institute (API) has signed a memorandum of understanding with GSO, the Gulf Cooperation Council standardization organization. API and GSO are to collaborate on standards development, including: the adoption of API’s standards, the exchange of information and on increasing knowledge within the API and GSO expert communities.
While its future is somewhat in the balance (see elsewhere in this issue), the Cfihos, the Capital facilities information handover standard, is about to issue a new release, version 1.4. This will include a new data model, a new set of contract documents, a more complete set of equipment types, as well as requirements by equipment type. More from Cfihos in our next issue.
CII, the Construction Industry Institute has announced three research projects under its advanced work packaging program. The new projects cover supply chain integration with AWP practices, best practices construction, commissioning and startup, and a new initiative to promote take-up of the AWP as a whole.
A new version of the OneGeology portal includes a globe view powered by Cesium ion as well as the standard planar views. The OneGeology portal now offers an EarthResourceML-Lite web mapping service (WMS) and simple feature web feature service provided by GTK, the Finland Geological Survey. The service uses version 2.0 of the 2018 ERML-Lite standard. ERML-Lite 2.0 is an abridged version of the full EarthResourceML standard, an international data model and standard for mineral resources data. Version 3.0 is just about to be released. More on ERML-Lite from the OneGeology cookbook page.
The International Association of oil and gas producers’ (IOGP) Joint industry project JIP33 is moving into Phase 3, further standardizing procurement specifications. Commenting the development, BP Group Executive Director Bob Dudley said, ‘I think the idea of everyone having their own designs will soon feel very old-fashioned’. Some 16 procurement specifications have been developed to date and are available under JIP33 Phase 2 for use by operating companies. Phase 3 will see a sustained commitment from 12 major operators working on 30 more specifications including subsea valves, air-cooled heat exchangers and diesel emergency generators.
ISO, the International Standards Organization has released standards and guidance related to climate change adaptation and greenhouse gas emissions. ISO 14064-1 for quantifying greenhouse gas emissions and ISO 14067 for quantifying the carbon footprint of products. Other new standards in development cover adaptation to climate change (ISO 14090), impacts, vulnerability and risk assessment (ISO 14091), and green bonds for environmental performance of projects and assets (ISO 14030).
The Modelica Association is expanding its portfolio with two new standards. The System Structure and Parameterization standard describes how model components are connected and assembled and how parameterization data is stored and exchanged. The Distributed Co-simulation Protocol standard is an application layer protocol for integrating real-time and offline systems.
The Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) is planning a Blockchain and distributed ledger technologies domain working group. Geospatial standardization of blockchain and DLT may be applicable in land registration and other domains. Read the position paper. OGC also recently approved the 3D Tiles Specification 1.0 for streaming heterogenous 3D geospatial content to clients. 3D Tiles supports 3D models such as point clouds, 3D buildings and BIM/CAD engineering models. The standard addresses high volume streaming data sets such as satellite sensors, drones and autonomous vehicles.
The XBRL financial standards organization has published an explanation of its new Open Information Model (OIM), a ‘modernization and simplification’ of the XBRL standard. OIM is a syntax-independent, logical model of XBRL reports than can be delivered in a range of formats, notably xBRL-JSON, said to be ‘the simplest and clearest expression of XBRL reports so far’.
The Open Group has published its O-PAS Standard, V 1.0 a ‘preliminary’ version of the Exxon-Mobil-backed open process automation standard. When fully defined, O-PAS will enable ‘scalable, reliable and secure process automation systems that can be updated without system shutdown’. TOG has also published a glossary covering the new protocol.
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