Standards stuff

IDS crafts next gen ‘DDR-Plus’ tour sheet schema. PODS V7.0. OGC on marine spatial data, Khronos, HDF5. OneGeology upgrade. W3 extends spatial sensor network ontology. Tim Berners-Lee to ‘clean up the web!’

Independent Data Services has been tasked by the International Association of Drilling Contractors to design, build and support the digital schema for the new drillers’ tour sheet ‘DDR Plus’, a WITSML 2.0-compliant solution for the secure sharing and storage of daily drilling report data.

PODS has released an informative graphic titled ‘constructing the pipeline open data standard next generation data model’ along with an online explainer of the next gen (aka v7.0) model.

The Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) has issued a request for information to help shape its marine spatial data infrastructure concept. OGC has also teamed with the Khronos consortium of hardware and software vendors to work on geospatial standards for virtual reality, simulation and 3D content services. Thirdly, OGC is seeking public comment on the candidate Hierarchical Data Format V 5 (HDF5) core standard for complex, time/space variant multidimensional datasets such as point clouds.

The international OneGeology mapping consortium has upgraded to Open Layers V 3.0. OneGeology data can be access and manipulated in GIS analyst desktop clients like QGIS and ESRI Arcmap.

The W3C’s Spatial Data on the Web Interest Group has published a working draft of ‘extensions to the semantic sensor network ontology.’ SSNO allows unambiguous referencing of an observational ‘feature-of-interest’, sample or data collection, for interoperability.

World-wide-web inventor Tim Berners-Lee has launched a campaign to temper some of the negative effects of his creation (read Facebook?). Berners-Lee is calling on governments and companies to pledge to make connectivity more affordable while protecting privacy, democracy and mental health. Oh, sorry, Facebook and Google are among the early signatories of TBL’s ‘Contract for the Web’ so that’s OK then!

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