Software, hardware short takes ...

ABB Ability, HPE, Amphora, Dell EMC, eLynx Technologies, Dynamic Graphics, Exprodat, GeoLogic Systems, Getech, Honeywell, HydroZonix, INT, Larson, eDrilling, OSGeoLive, Quorum Software, Recon Technology, Rextag, TIBCO Software.

ABB Ability EdgeInsight, a new service offering running on HPE Edgeline hardware, is being piloted at ‘a number of oil, gas and chemical customers’. EdgeInsight collects data from disparate field devices and sensors, converts field protocols into ‘one common protocol’ and serves standard output to the IT infrastructure. EdgeInsight does not allow access into the field network allowing data to be shared safely beyond individual sites. Data is merged in the field to ensuring the same timestamp and context across vendors and protocols.

Amphora’s Symphony commodities trading and risk management software is now Amazon AWS compliant. Users can now run Symphony in the cloud on a pay-per-use basis. Amphora also announced a ‘certified native’ integration between Symphony and CubeLogic’s RiskCubed counterparty ‘know your customer’ onboarding workflow and credit risk management solution.

Dell EMC’s Elastic Data Platform is a ‘cost-effective solution’ that extends an organization’s existing big data investments with workload-specific infrastructure, intelligent software and end-to-end automation. The EDP is delivered by Dell EMC consulting.

eLynx Technologies ( has announced ‘Predictive Analytics as a Service’, a suite of predictive maintenance software products to forecast oilfield problems. eLynx is the ‘fortuitous beneficiary’ of 20 years of industry knowledge gained from monitoring over 40,000 wells across all major US basins. ‘Potent’ data analytics was developed through partnerships with the University of Tulsa Tandy School of Computer Science, Tulsa University Artificial Lift Project and Microsoft.

Dynamic Graphics has released EarthVision 10 with updated modules that eliminate the need for the MKS Toolkit. EarthVision 10 provides an enhanced interface for generating well curve displays, shapefile import enhancements and other visualization tweaks. Also new is a Python-based toolkit for custom development.

Exprodat has released an ArcGIS Pro version of its Data Assistant for the import, export and manipulation of E&P interpretation system data. Data Assistant for ArcGIS Pro also enables geoprocessing and integration with Esri’s ModelBuilder/Toolbox.

Version 8.8 of GeoLogic SystemsGeoScout adds support for planning and visualizing horizontal well surveys. A new Well Profile Viewer module supports well surveys in the context of formations, contours, downhole events, completions and logs. Users can compare multiple surveys to choose the best option before drilling, pick formation tops, import grid files and create reference surveys to compare well bores.

Getech’s Globe 2018 includes new palaeo-surface geology layers to aid understanding of the character, quality and distribution of potential reservoirs in an area of interest. New thermal mapping content enables temperatures and hydrocarbon maturation studies of a basin. New climate profile analytic tools streamline basin modelling workflows.

Honeywell’s vCenter Server Appliance is migrating its operating system from Windows to a ‘new default' purpose-built Linux OS, optimized for virtualization. The new OS is reported to bring a ’significant reduction’ in boot and application startup times and a 3x performance improvement over vCenter Server 6.5 on Windows.

HydroZonix’ hardware and software solution covers the whole oilfield water management lifecycle. Data streams into the cloud from tank batteries, separators and the wellhead for real-time produced water reuse, bacteria mitigation and more. A RESTful API allows for integration with third party systems and mobile endpoints.

INT has announced INTViewer 2018 with new features including a ‘beachball’ display of microseismic foci.

Larson is working on a TECH SVG project to offer scalable vector graphics (SVG) from its VizEx Viewer. SVG brings vector graphics to the web without the need for a plug-in. Download the draft TECH SVG paper here.

eDrilling’s V 10.0 release of WellPlanner adds dynamic simulations and continuous model update with current operational parameters. The tool provides accurate lift, fluid, cutting and temperature distribution estimates. Other benefits include reduced safety margins and reduced risk when drilling wells with tight margins. WellPlanner is available as a standalone product or as a microservice.

Version 12.0 of the OSGeoLive GIS software collection adds support for Lubuntu 18.04 Long Term Support and now leverages the Transifex Translation tool for documentation generation. OSGeoLive is a Lubuntu-based distribution of open source geospatial software, available via a virtual machine, USB or DVD.

Quorum Software has launched the myQuorum Data Hub which pulls and cleanses data from myQuorum business applications and stores it in the cloud for access by business intelligence application such as Microsoft Power BI. The Data Hub is claimed to avoid the challenges of maintaining databases, reports, connections, and data models. Decoupled from the core application infrastructure, Data Hub makes critical operational and financial data available to business users, decision makers, and analysts.

Beijing-headquartered Recon Technology reports 41.1% year over year revenue growth, in part from its Future Gas Station service company that supplies applications and data operations to, inter alia, PetroChina.

Hart Energy unit Rextag is enhancing its Global Energy GIS database with more parameters, pipeline diameters and financial information along with a streamlined user experience. As of 2019, the database will link through to SEC filings, profit and loss statements and other public filings.

TIBCO Software has announced A(X) Experience for TIBCO Spotfire, an AI-driven analytics offering that data exploration, natural language processing, machine learning and for real-time support for streaming data. AXE recommends data relationships, uncovers patterns in data and makes ‘prescriptive suggestions’. AEX plugs into real time data streams such as OSIsoft PI, Witsml, Bloomberg, Reuters and FIX. AEX also supports Apache Kafka and Eclipse Mosquitto, Apache Spark streaming and more.

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