Emerson has announced Paradigm 18, its flagship geoscience and earth modeling package. Paradigm is now said to use machine learning as a data integrator and process automation tool. Paradigm 18 introduces new solutions for unsupervised seismic facies classification of pre and post stack seismic data. The SeisEarth interpretation suite now includes geobody detection that can leverage results from the classifier. New sensitivity analytics show the impact of parameter changes across the interpretation workflow. Other enhancements include a stratigraphic context tag to enable versioning of database entities. Time-based production data in Epos can now be accessed by from StratEarth and Skua-GoCad for ‘more comprehensive data analysis’. A new 3D Hybrid grid for Skua-GoCad adds a state-of-the art meshing capability for geomechanical finite element computations.
Yokogawa has announced a new solutionfor mitigating hydrate build-up in offshore production. Two applications from Yokogawa’s KBC unit, Maximus and Multiflash, act on real time scada data. Maximus performs compositional steady state simulations of the pipeline network of wells, choke valves, flowlines and processing equipment. Multiflash adds pressure-volume-temperature modeling for hydrocarbon flow assurance. The combined solution is used to pinpoint the location of hydrate risk and recommend inhibitor injection volumes that balance risk and cost. Operators can optionally deploy automated FluidCom metering valve technology from Yokogawa’s TechInvent AS unit for end-to-end hydrate risk management.
SpotSee’s OpsWatch is a cloud-connected vibration monitor that monitors shocks and vibrations on equipment in use and in transit, alerting users if an item is dropped or damaged. SpotSee provides transparency to the heavy equipment shipping process, monitoring top drives and mud pumps while they are in use, or alerting operators to potential compressor skid damage. OpsWatch is also available in an ‘EX’, Atex-certified version for hazardous environments.
Ai Prime is a new document sharing and mapping platform that its developers claim is to replace Google Earth for the Texas oil and gas sector. The free collaboration platform integrates information from multiple sources with imagery that is ‘10 times clearer and more up-to-date’ than other sources. Users can purchase additional information or incorporate their own data. Ai Prime provides 10cm resolution imagery across the Permian basin.
IFPen, the French energy R&D organization has announced GeoAnalog, a web service decision support and training solution that provides access to a database of geological structure analog models. GeoAnalog is the fruit of some 30 years of IFPen research and compiles around 1,500 experimental models.
Norway’s Sintef has released a new edition (2018a) of its Matlab Reservoir Simulation Toolbox(MRST). The new release includes a new corner-point geometry that better agrees with results from commercial simulators and now supports vertical flow performance tables and reservoir voidage rate targets. MRST runs on both Linux and Windows.
Neftex’ new TectonicExplorer is a cloud-hosted combination of the company’s geodynamic plate model and its Insights interpreted wells, geochronology and mineral deposit databases. Users can generate a robust tectonic story for early stage exploration of an area of interest.
Oseberg has released Oseberg Map Services, making its US land, lease, regulatory and drilling datasets available to any ESRI-compliant application. The use of cloud-based data fixes the problem of shapefile imports and out of sync data.
Petrosys PRO 2018.2 introduces a new probabilistic resource calculator, direct display of Excel spreadsheets on maps and improvements to the grid editor.
SharpReflections’ Pre-Stack Pro 5.2 features an interactive spectral decomposition module, with intuitive RGB blending of maps or time slices. All calculations are carried out in memory, and any parameter change is updated instantly in the viewer. Pre-Stack Pro now supports execution of user-created plugins, including complex workflows created with Fraunhofer ITWM’s Aloma tools. PSP development is supported by sponsors of the Foundation Project IV R&D Consortium.
Emerson/Roxar’s RMS 11 reservoir characterization solution includes a new technology plug-in that extends functionality and positions it for future web and cloud-enabled workflows. Other enhancements to the API allow users to integrate their own IP into reservoir modeling workflows. Extensions to Petrel I/O tools and other new features improve data transfer between RMS and flow simulators.
Safe Software’s FME 2018.1 adds an Apache Hive Reader for Hadoop and HDFS data, read/write support of raster data in R and a reader for FME’s augmented reality format. The iOS AR app has also been updated with fine grain scene control.
Spectro Scientific’s TruVu 360 enterprise fluid intelligence platform is a comprehensive web-based fluid analysis data management system. The new platform closes the gap between maintenance recommendations on the oil analysis report and the impact on continuous process improvement. TruVu 360 integrates Spectro’s MiniLab on-site oil analysis hardware used in industrial applications in manufacturing, mining, oil and gas and power generation.
Siemens has announced a mobile process control tele-controller with integrated GPS functionality. The Simatic RTU3031C (Remote Terminal Unit/RTU) is intended for new use cases requiring locality awareness and time synchronization. The unit compares a tag’s nominal position with the GPS for mobile monitoring of measuring points and more.
The 2018.1 release of Schlumberger’s Eclipse reservoir fluid flow simulator allows users to run multiple connected models using the block parallel license to reduce runtime. Well connection factor multipliers provide flexible and dynamic update of connection transmissibility for advanced workflows such as damage due to water influx. The top of the range Intersect simulator is also released as 2018.1 with greater model fidelity to honor geology, reservoir and operation complexity. The new release improves usability, integration and ‘openness’ to ‘help customers explore the spectrum of possible scenarios that they could never explore before.’
SPOC Automation’s new ‘Revelation’ pump-off controller analyzes down-hole pump and surface data cards along with trend data of pump fillage, rod load, and polished rod horsepower. Data is exportable locally or via scada. The controller is integrated with SPOC’s IronHorse rod pump variable frequency drives.
Technical Toolboxes’ new horizontal directional drilling power tool (HDDPT) addresses horizontal drilling projects such as pipeline drilling and installation at road crossings, bodies of water and railroad rights of way. The HDDPT targets pipeline design and construction, lowering costs and monitoring drilling and pulling operations.
The 2019.1 release of the Tecplot RS reservoir simulation post processor adds a new stamp plot feature for simultaneous visualization of well production data with the simulation grid output. The new release also simplifies the process of creating an arbitrary slice through a chain of wells, connecting, for instance, an injector with its producers.
Thermon Group has announced the TraceNet Genesis control and monitoring system for managing heat trace circuit performance on process lines tanks and instrumentation. TraceNet provides access to trace circuit performance history, fault analysis and circuit drawings. TraceNet Genesis is desctibed as a ‘fully connected industrial internet of things platform’ that delivers, inter alia, up to six months of performance trending data.
The 18.1 release of Rock Flow Dynamics’ tNavigator includes a vectorized version of equation of state flash calculation. Users can now accelerate compositional model simulations with CPU embedded SSE/AVX vector engines and/or use GPUs for flash calculations. The functionality extends existing capabilities to run linear solver on single or multiple GPUs.
Justcroft International’s JustImage 5.3 core image data management solution improves localization support and adds new input and printer file formats and a new JustSearch function for document retrieval.
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