The Linux Foundation, owner-operator of the ubiquitous open source operating system Linux has announced ‘LF Energy’, a coalition of open source software users in energy. The initiative is to ‘speed technological innovation and transform the energy mix across the world’, with an initial focus on smart grid and electricity distribution. LF Energy is an umbrella organization that will support and sustain multi-vendor collaboration and open source progress in the energy and electricity sectors.
LF Energy Executive Director Shuli Goodman said, ‘A collaborative open source approach to development information and communication technologies across companies, countries and end users, will provide the innovation needed to meet our respective goals in renewable energy, power electronics, electric mobility and digitalization of the whole energy sector.’
Current projects include PowSyBl a framework of reusable modular components for modeling distributed energy resource environments and ‘RIAPS’, the resilient information architecture platform for smart grids. RIAPS was developed at the Institute for Software-Integrated Systems at Vanderbilt University and funded by the US Department of Energy’s Advanced Research Projects Agency for Energy (ARPA-E). LFE’s anchor tenant is France’s transmission system operator RTE. Others involved in the initiative include the EU Network of Transmission System Operators, Vanderbilt University and The Electric Power Research Institute.
We asked LFE if there were any oil and gas companies in the club, possibly through their involvement in generation or use of microgrids on or offshore. A spokesperson responded that ‘We are still in the very early stages, so we don't have any oil and gas companies just yet. But we will keep you posted’.
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