Edward Dew introduced Quantico Energy Solutions’ Q-Log logging while drilling solution that computes rock properties (unconfined compressive strength) and input drilling energy (mechanical specific energy) from a real-time direct feed of surface collected EDR data and MWD gamma ray measurement. Q-Log predicts density, porosity, and acoustic velocity at the drill bit. The solution is claimed to allow maximum ROP and provides early detection of drill string and bit dysfunction such as differential sticking. The software generates formation evaluation logs without the need for logging tools.
Darryl Fett (Total) presented on the challenges of getting good data. ‘Good,’ of course, needs to be taken in context and with a view to the job in hand. Issues to be considered include time synchronization, sensor calibration, location and telemetry lag. Other key issues include metadata capture, contract language, mnemonics and the lack of standards. Or perhaps that should be an excess of standards. Fett cited the OGDQ, the operator’s group on data quality, the SPE Drilling Systems Automation Technical Section, the IADC Advanced Rig Technology Committee, the DSA Roadmap, Energistics and the OPC Foundation.
Jay Hollingsworth (Energistics) observed that drilling data ‘won’t move in real time among vendors without some standard.’ Here the primary standards are OPC-UA and WITSML with OPC-UA for on-site closed-loop control and WITSML for one-way data transport from the field. Both protocols interoperate. Energistics support the SPE DSATS initiative and has joined the DSA Roadmap Phase 2 and is ‘committed to stewarding whatever standards the DSA community produces.’
Cliff Summers described Hess’ use of a solution from Flow Data to automate its tank data collection and management. Flow Works implemented Lavoro’s QLogiX and WellPadWorks. The hardware-agnostic, Linux-based solution provides low cost, direct integration with Hess’ on-site Rockwell scada and provides configurable data retrieval options including a PDF ticket emailed to pre-defined users. WellPadWorks includes WiFi, Ethernet and Modbus connectivity and a fully functional PostgreSQL database. Its reporting utility provides ‘unprecedented’ access to production data for analysis, at a cost of approx. $15,000 per site.
Andrew Bruce explained how his DataGumbo startup is using blockchain to exchange ‘smart contracts’ between users of SAP, JD Edwards, Oracle and QuickBooks. Data Gumbo recently signed with Diamond Offshore Drilling for the provision of a ‘blockchain drilling service.’ The BDS provides an ‘immutable platform for the optimization of well construction activities’ across the supply chain. Earlier this year, DataGumbo signed a partnership deal with Carnrite Group, a Houston-based management consultant.
Vikrant Lakhanpal explained how Wercia, the Well engineering research center for intelligent automation, at the University of Houston is using data science to find order in the chaos of oil and gas data. Lakhanpal, who also works with Proline Energy Resources, has been using Wercia’s data smarts to predict ESP failure in ESP (electrical submerged pumps). Data from an accelerometer on the motor is fed into a ‘calculation box’ that converts acceleration to ‘jerk intensity.’ Empirical mode decomposition of this data provides advanced warning of failure. Looking to the future, Lakhanpal sees machine learning, IoT and AI playing increasing roles but warns, ‘automation, Analytics, IOT, Blockchain alone will neither solve the problem nor reduce costs.’
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