DNV GL has extended its ‘Veracity’ ‘open’ well data platform by integrating drilling engineer AGR’s intelligent well data management tool, iQX. iQX embeds learnings from AGR’s evaluation of some 80,000 wells, gleaned from national data repositories since 2011. Veracity users can now leverage cleansed data via a hosted edition of iQX in the Veracity cloud. Drilling engineers, can access metrics on geology and bit performance.
DNV GL promises ‘more efficient well processes through automated well design, automated report generation, continuous digital well access throughout the lifetime of the well and more efficient plugging and abandonment operations.’
iQX poster child is Norwegian AKER BP that has standardized well data and operations across its Ivar Aasen development. Speaking at last year’s GBC IIoT/digital solutions in oil and gas, AGR VP Software Peter Mathisen showed how iQX is used to ‘make structured information unstructured’ and to ‘plug gaps in current Norwegian reporting and data capture.’ AGR and DNV GL are seeking partners for a JIP to further develop joint functionality across Veracity and iQX. More from DNV GL.
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