At the 2017 Energy Forum in Houston, Tibco strengthened its position in upstream business intelligence with a shift into the world of open source big data and analytical applications. Tibco presents its portfolio as a ‘system of insight’ for energy spanning upstream exploration and production surveillance, midstream to refining. Alongside its business intelligence applications, Tibco offers extensive data connectivity to business and technical data sources.
The extreme data volumes of unconventionals are driving a shift to open source big data technologies. Manny Rosales from ExxonMobil’s shale unit XTO Energy has addressed the challenge of a 400,000 well dataset of log ascii (LAS) files that were stored in disparate systems around the company. XTO, with help from the Exxon parent, used the Apache NiFi data wrangler and Hortonworks’ LAS toolkit to consolidate these into a Hadoop/Hive data lake. Spotfire acts as a query/front end to the system whose performance has been enhanced with Apache LLAP’s hybrid caching execution engine. Statistical investigations are carried out with TERR (Tibco Enterprise Runtime for R) and the R-ODBC database connector. A range of log and cross section viewers are now available, driven by ‘simple and intuitive’ Spotfire workflows and the TERR ‘workhorse.’
Prior to 2015, Spotfire was a niche/specialist app at Linn Energy. But then, as Audrie Luna described, usage went ‘viral,’ with applications across IT, operations and finance. Spotfire Analyst and WebPlayer have now displaced Linn’s legacy Birst business intelligence solution. The solution shows well failure trends. Root cause analysis of well performance distinguishes between design and equipment failures. Operations and IT now have better understanding of needs of the business and there is ‘less reliance on third parties that take months to implement solutions.’
Calvin Caraway showed how Chevron uses Spotfire as a ‘one stop shop’ for evaluating its shale well performance. Chevron deploys its own smarts developed in Iron Python and R (via TERR) to address specific Permian basin challenges with decline curve analysis, spatial interpolation and data distribution assessment.
BP’s Gustavo Carvajal has also packaged decline curve analytics in Auto-DCA, a Spotfire based, semi-automated process again leveraging TERR. The solution provides ‘unprecedented’ evaluation of production and reservoir performance and is used to optimize well and fracture spacing.
Neha Reddy showed how Spotfire underpins ConocoPhillips’ Supply chain integrated visibility (SIV), a new reporting solution that represents a shift from finding and curating data into ‘more data-driven actions.’ SIV is used to create dashboards which are ‘reactive, easy-to-use, and intuitive for individuals with varying levels of Spotfire skill.’
Joe Dominick presented NRG Energy’s partnership with Tibco that has seen the development of a comprehensive dashboard for its power generation operations. Diverse data sources including Oracle, OSIsoft and SAP are consolidated into a single data warehouse that allows NRG to keep tabs on its corporate cash burn rate and other KPIs. More from the Energy Forum home page.
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