The OPC Foundation and the FieldComm Group have announced a new standard information model for process automation devices. The standard targets ‘multi-vendor interoperability and simplified integration.’ A working group is to leverage the FieldComm Group’s experience with the HART and Foundation Fieldbus’ field device integration (FDI) protocol. The 2007 FDI protocol will be aligned with the OPC UA base information model and companion device information specification.
FieldComm Group President and CEO Ted Masters said, ‘FDI provides the new standard (sic) for device integration to deliver a protocol independent path to configuration, diagnostics and runtime operation for process devices. Our partnership with the OPC Foundation further builds on the common information model of both to deliver process automation data in context.’
Thomas Burke, OPC Foundation president added ‘OPC and FieldComm are working on this important initiative, and will be partnering with other organizations, end-users and suppliers to make the dream of a standardized process automation device information model a reality.’
Comment – the announcement sounds strikingly familiar to another process industry standardization initiative, The Open Group/ExxonMobil’s ‘Open Process Automation Forum’ of which OPC is a member!
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