Energistics’ National Data Repositories (NDR) is changing its format. The bi-annual, itinerant gathering will be replaced with a ‘smaller, low-key conference, with a focus on collaboration and discussion.’ Meetings will be hosted by the TNO-sponsored North Sea data management forum, comprising regulators from Denmark, Holland, Ireland, Norway, and the UK. The next gathering is planned for Q3/Q4 2019.
The UK regulator, the Oil and Gas Authority (OGA) is to transform UKOilandGasData.com from a member-funded platform provided by Common Data Access (CDA) into a key component of a new central UK National Data Repository. The service will be delivered by CDA under contract to OGA. UKOilandGasData, in operation since 1995, allows industry to meet its statutory obligations to share data on wells and seismics and provides data management services to industry. The new two year contract begins on 1st January 2019.
CDA has issued new guidance for the retention of information and samples after decommissioning. The guidance was developed in collaboration with the Shell Brent Decommissioning Project and Aberdeen University’s School of Law. Feedback on the initial guidance document will be gathered at an open workshop to be held in March 2018.
RyderScott reports that the comments on the 2017 Society of Petroleum Engineers Petroleum Resources Management System are to finalize this year. The draft recognizes the role of the learning curve and step changes in the field. SPE-PRMS is backed by the Society of Petroleum Evaluation Engineers, the World Petroleum Council, the American Association of Petroleum Geologists and the Society of Exploration Geophysicists
RyderScott also reports a challenge to Alberta Securities Commission interpretations of a 2015 regulation covering abandonment and reclamation costs (ARC). A recent interpretation excluded ARCs on exploration wells. The Calgary chapter of the SPEE is on the case and is ‘tweaking’ a new edition of the Canadian Oil & Gas Evaluation Handbook in the interests of clarity.
The Texas Railroad Commission’s electronic well log filing system has saved more than $300,000 for industry and thousands of man-hours for the agency to date. Since its launch, the system has received approximately 8,000 submissions, saving the RRC nearly $50,000 in staff time and scans. Commissioner Ryan Sitton is pushing for more ‘smart’ IT solutions.
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