The Witsml special interest group has ratified the Energistics transfer protocol ETP implementation specifications for Witsml v2.0 and Witsml v1.4.1. The SIG is working to add OData-based query for ETP v1.2 and on leveraging the Prodml wireline formation test run object. Certification and compliance was also discussed. Energistics is now looking at how standards can help companies operate in a technology environment spanning data lakes in the cloud. A data assurance and analytics communities of practice is to pilot real soon now. More from Energistics.
OGC, the Open geospatial corporation, has published beta validators for its various standards including WFS, its web feature service and CAT, the catalogue service. OGC is also asking for comment on TimeseriesML 1.2, an interoperable exchange format for a range of time series data exchange requirements and scenarios.
A new IEEE working group has formed to create fog computing and networking standards based on the OpenFog Consortium’s reference architecture. The reference architecture is designed to enable the ‘data-intensive’ requirements of IoT, 5G and AI applications. The open, interoperable, horizontal system architecture will distribute computing, storage and networking closer to the users along a ‘cloud-to-thing continuum.’
OSGEO, the Open source geospatial foundation and IGU, the International geographical union are to collaborate on the distribution and use of open geo-data and on the development of related GIS and remote sensing software. The bodies will also support the GeoForAll initiative.
The Industrial Internet Consortium has just reported on its ongoing series of testbeds. These include a time-sensitive networking (TSN) testbed of an enhanced ‘deterministic’ Ethernet conducted by National Instruments and Bosch Rexroth. Other testbeds include equipment condition monitoring and predictive maintenance with IBM Watson. Network security has been tested against Micro-soft’s Stride IoT security analysis tool.
The W3C’s spatial data on the web working group has published a recommendation of a ‘time ontology in OWL’ specification. The ontology provides a vocabulary for expressing facts involving temporal and positional information. The workgroup has also recommendation of the ‘semantic sensor network ontology’ for describing sensors and their observations with application in the ‘satellite imagery, large-scale scientific monitoring, industrial and household infrastructures, social sensing, citizen science, observation-driven ontology engineering, and the web of things.’
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