Accenture/Microsoft annual upstream survey of ‘digital'

Upstream oil and gas ‘trends’ report underwhelms.

It’s been ten years since the combined efforts of the marketing departments of CERA, Accenture and Microsoft ‘invented’ the digital oilfield. You might have expected it to be a done deal by now. For many it is, and the marketing world has moved on to big data and the internet of things.

Accenture and Microsoft’s 2017 Upstream oil and gas digital trends survey. finds, underwhelmingly, that operators ‘expect shorter time to produce oil and gas due to digital technology investments.’ The survey reports on complicated but trivial shifts in the digital hit parade with ‘faster and better decision-making’ and ‘shorter time to first oil’ holding the same number one slot as last year. Is anything new? The ‘next wave’ of digital that has the potential to ‘further transform’ the business, despite ongoing low oil prices. The next wave is not about petabytes of data, rather ‘HPC, wearables, robotics, artificial intelligence and blockchain.’

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