The US Energy Information Administration has consolidated well data from ten participating states* into the National oil and gas gateway, a collaborative initiative between the EIA, the Groundwater protection council, member states and the Department of energy’s office of oil and natural gas. NOGG participation is open to all oil and natural gas-producing states which update well-level data monthly.
Public users of the gateway can view, analyze and export well name, location, API number and operator. Also available is the current well type and status along with production, injection, disposal and completion data. The website reproduces hydraulic fracturing chemical disclosure reports from FracFocus.
Previously well-level data was only available on individual state websites from commercial databases. Only individual states may modify the data in the Gateway, and state agency websites should be considered the definitive source for all data in the Gateway.
* Currently Alabama, Arkansas, Colorado, Kentucky, Mississippi, Nebraska, New York, Oklahoma, Utah and West Virginia.
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