Lease Analytics has established the Human intelligence and language technologies (HiLT) fund at the University of North Texas at Denton. Director Eduardo Blanco said, ‘We will find new ways to tag oil and gas leases and contracts with categories of interest, and improve classification, search and clustering beyond word presence.’
In an internal benchmark, QBase unit Finch Computing tested Finch for Text against competing text analytics solutions including API vendors Rosette, Lexalytics, Alchemy (now part of IBM Watson), Google, Microsoft and NetOwl. Finch ‘won nearly every head to head comparison, across every entity type.’ Parent company QBase markets MetaCarta, the geographic search tool previously marketed to E&P by Schlumberger. Finch is working to convert MetaCarta customers to Finch ‘because of its higher fidelity and utility.’ Download the 15 page whitepaper (registration required) of the benchmark.
Speaking of Alchemy, IBM has just released a 130 page RedBook, ‘Building Cognitive Applications with IBM Watson where we learn that the Alchemy language API is deprecated in favor of ‘Watson Natural Language Understanding.’ Watson NLU analyzes semantic features of input text and extracts metadata from content such as ‘categories, concepts, emotion, entities, keywords, relations, semantic roles, and sentiment.’ Potential Watson users might like to checkout this critical review from analyst James Kisner which concludes that while Watson is a mature platform, deployments rely on ‘expensive service and consulting engagements with IBM, limiting broader adoption.’
Other recent developments from the text analytics front include OpenText’s Magellan AI platform and new natural language processing functionality in Voyager Search.
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