OTM has launched the Geomechanics Initiative to address geomechanical challenges such as pore pressure prediction, wellbore stability, fracture and fault seal analysis and compaction and subsistence. A survey found strong support for the initiative although some expressed concerns over other private consortia that fail to share IP and ‘only open the doors after a safety or an environmental issue.’ OTM plan one meeting per year and a public website to promote the initiative. Project reports and updates will, curiously, be held private.
DNV GL’s JIP on standardizing subsea processing has moved into Phase 2. Phase 1 saw completion of a functional description of subsea pumping. Phase 2 will deliver standardized guidelines. JIP members include Aker, GE, OneSubsea and TechnipFMC alongside operators Shell, Statoil and Woodside.
The US Department of Energy is to invest $20 million in new oil and gas research projects. Target areas include increasing recovery from unconventional oil and gas wells and preventing offshore spills and leaks. The funding is said to support the Office of Fossil Energy’s efforts to ensure ‘environmentally sustainable’ domestic and global supplies of oil and natural gas.
Dutch R&D outfit TNO has developed a field development optimization benchmark challenge under the auspices of its ISAPP research program. The benchmark is based on a reservoir model for the fictitious Olympus field. Following-on from the 2008 Brugge challenge, Olympus adds the complexity of optimizing wells placement. Download the challenge models here.
The SEG has teamed with Kudos*, a private organization that claims to ‘help researchers ensure their publications get found, read and cited in a world of information overload.’ Kudos aggregates metrics on a published paper and ‘maps outreach activities against those metrics.’
* Nothing to do with Strava!
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