
Kongsberg’s artificial intelligence platform to optimize data access and re-use across drilling and production.

Kongsberg has announced ‘KognifAI’ an ‘open and collaborative’ platform spans information technology and operational technology by optimizing data access and analysis for its maritime and energy industry customers.

In a presentation to investors, Jeppe Sverdrup VP Digital Energy at Kongsberg stated that two thirds of the world’s largest oil and gas companies use Kongsberg’s software, IoT services and advanced analytics. Some 10,000 wells are already monitored with its technology and live data feeds from 100 rigs amass terabytes of data daily.

Kongsberg has been working to rationalize digital technology across its different business units since 2014. The result is KognifAI, a ‘single digital platform for all data produced across the technology spectrum.’ Kongsberg’s latest digital foray is a joint venture with Norwegian eSmart Systems, an advanced analytics boutique that leverages the Microsoft Hadoop distribution HDInsight and Azure machine learning. Visit the KognifAI AppStore and read our exclusive interview with Andreas Jagtøyen Kongsberg, head of Kongsberg’s energy division, on page three of this issue.

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