Emerson DLO embeds PI. New Roxar subsea wet gas meter

Dynamic lift optimizer at Cera Week big data tech ‘agora.' Microwave resonance salinity meter.

A new release of Emerson’s Dynamic lift optimization (DLO) software introduces an Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) capability for cloud-based deployment. DLO dynamically adjusts lift gas flows or electric submersible pump speed based on the latest well test data. The application adjusts lifting power to maximize production and adjusts to well shut-ins and compressor trips. A typical 10% production improvement is claimed for the technology. DLO now embeds OSIsoft’s PI System data infrastructure and historian.

Emerson presented its integrated operations (iOps)/IIoT offerings at Cera Week earlier this year in an ‘ROI from big data technology agora.’ An iOps command center showcased IIoT-based shale gas operations, ‘expanding digital intelligence to the entire manufacturing enterprise.’

Emerson also recently announced a new microwave resonance technology-based salinity measurement system for its Roxar subsea wet gas meter for real-time salinity measurements for high gas volume fraction/wet gas flows.

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