The W3C has just published a new version of its ‘Data on the web best practices’ recommendations for data that is ‘discoverable and understandable by humans and machines.’
Energistics has announced a coordinated release of its E&P data standards, WITSML v2.0 (drilling), PRODML v2.0 (production) and RESQML v2.1 (reservoir), in conjunction with the Energistics Transfer Protocol, ETP v1.1. A Standards DevKit, an ETP DevKit and other tools are also available to ease implementation of the standards.
The new ISO 16530-1:2017 standard for well integrity targets oil and gas wells regardless of their age, location and type. The standard includes minimum requirements for well integrity management and recommendations that can be scaled to a well’s specific risk characteristics.
NIST has just updated its Digital Library of Mathematical Functions. The DLMF is the modern-day successor to the 1964 classic NBS Handbook, the most widely distributed and most highly cited publication in NIST’s 117-year history.
GeoSciML is now an OGC standard comprising a logical model and GML/XML encoding rules for geological map data, geological time scales, boreholes, and metadata for laboratory analyses. OGC has also just published a white paper on open geospatial APIs.
The Subsea Instrumentation Interface Standardization network has released a recommended practice and standard text for inclusion in API 17F, a standard for subsea production control systems. The protocols cover analogue, digital serial and ethernet TCP/ IP devices.
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