Paradigm CTO Bruno de Ribet has just published a 75 page presentation of new functionality in Paradigm’s 2017 across-the-board software release. The Echos seismic imaging package has been upgraded with new workflows for broadband and 5D seismics. All coordinate data manipulation is now 64 bit.
GeoDepth has been enhanced with improvements to the EarthStudy 360 multi-azimuth pre-stack environment. 3D gather analysis is now available on Windows.
On the interpretation front, a new integrated environment presents a 3D canvas, base map and section windows with one click data loading, synchronized navigation and new guided workflows for pore pressure evaluation including GPU-based multi-volume M2MP work. The quantitative seismic interpretation module has seen refinements to inversion with the inclusion of Skua-GoCad stochastic inversion. Again, the full QSI function is now available on Windows.
Modeling has been enhanced, notably with a link to Dassault Systèmes Abacus for geomechanical studies. Models can be exchanged as Resqml data files.
Petrophysical analysis in Geolog has been improved with new Monte Carlo-based uncertainty analysis of rock type.
Finally, Paradigm presses ahead with its ‘Paradigm on top’ data strategy whereby Epos co-exists with and leverages third-party platforms for data management and sharing. The 2017 release see a new Petrel direct connection, new sync back to Open Works, functionality and direct access to SEP formatted seismic data on disk.
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