The Petroleum Technology alliance, Canada (PTAC) hosted a recent information session on IT tools for cost reduction and operational improvement, with a particular focus on emissions monitoring. Steve Barker with Emerson local partner Spartan Controls presented the ‘Bliers*’ reporting tool for NOx emission compliance. Spartan also provides solutions for CO2 venting and process optimization and comprehensive data analysis and visualization including on mobile endpoints.
Laura Chutny presented Process Ecology’s MethaneAdvisor, observing that while regulatory focus on emissions was increasing, current measurement techniques are ‘all over the map!’ Methane Advisor on the other hand is modern web-based software for estimating and managing flaring, venting and methane/GHG emissions from oil and gas operations. Operators can save on potential C-tax liability while minimizing losses from leaks.
Cooper Robinson demonstrated Cap-OpEnergy’s DEEPP tools for planning and monetizing carbon management in the upstream. CapOp provides a hosted solution for emissions reduction. In particular from installation to audit. Watch the video on Youtube.
Jeremy Bernard outlined Osprey Informatics’ intelligent visual monitoring solution for industrial operations . Alongside its security-oriented video cam monitoring offering, Osprey offers thermal imaging with automated alerts. In one instance, a visual alarm produced a ‘100% ROI’ from a single methane emission event.
Tim Biggs presented Envirosoft’s EmPower suite for oil and gas environmental, regulatory and compliance. EmPower offers on-time emissions data capture for fuel flare venting, emissions inventory and Dehy** monitoring. The components provide comprehensive data preparation for reporting to Environment and climate change Canada’s single window information manager (Swim) reporting system. More from PTAC.
* 2016 US Base level industrial emissions requirements.
** Glycol dehydration emissions.
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