In Deep and still digging?

EU Exascale project - €700 million for HPC R&D.

The EU Exascale project has published a ‘Lookback on 5 years of EU Exascale R&D,’ summarizing progress on various high performance computing projects. The goal of the Horizon 2020 program is for a ‘supercomputer based on EU technology featuring among the world top three by 2022.’ Europe has committed €700M to supercomputing. Lookback covers the previous FP7 framework that ran from 2011 and 2016, during which eight HPC projects consumed some €50 million.

The DEeep/Deep-ER project, with sponsorship from CGG and Fraunhofer, targeted development of a new Exascale-ready HPC platform and a standards-based, easy-to-use software stack. A Deep prototype, Jureca has been installed at the Jülich Supercomputing Centre, Germany and is to be extended with a ten PetaFLOP/s ‘Booster’ system.

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