EPIM news

Norwegian joint industry body rolls out LogisticsHub, EPIM ID and demos future ReportingHub.

Norway’s LogisticsHub is now ready for prime time adoption by oil and gas companies and their suppliers. The LogisticsHub project started in 2013 as a means of sharing tracking information for cargo carrying units and equipment. The Hub is said to simplify the logistics supply chain by enhanced search mechanisms for lost and delayed goods and improved data quality and shipment planning.

In a separate initiative, EPIM is to create a ‘cross organizational identity and access management solution,’ EPIM ID. Initially this will be adopted in EPIM’s own applications and later will be offered to web application developers for inter-company information sharing. The ID project originated as a spin-off from the ‘revitalization’ of Norway’s SOIL network.

Finally EPIM reports progress on making its ReportingHub data more accessible. ReportingHub is an RDF triple store of drilling and production reports that can be natively queried in Sparql. A web interface now offers common mortals access to the data providing a ‘glimpse of ReportingHub’s capabilities.’ Visit the web demo here.

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