ABB has appointed Guido Jouret as chief digital officer. He hails from Cisco.
Former president and CEO at Sasol Limited, David Constable has been elected to Anadarko’s board of directors.
The American Petroleum Institute has named Michael Tadeo and Brooke Sammon as spokespersons to its communications team. Hilary Moffett is director of federal relations.
Sharon Daniel is now chair and Matthew Gould is CEO at Arria following Stuart Rogers’ resignation. Falcon Clouston is deputy chairman of the board and head of the audit committee. Michael Higgins has stepped down from the board.
Roald Valen is now CEO at Badger Explorer succeeding Øystein Larsen who is stepping down to pursue opportunities outside the company.
Laurie Wallace has been named to the Calgary Scientific’s board of directors.
Cartasite has named Wes Felteau as director of platform products. Becky Gibbs is senior product manager. Mike Wille is to lead product development. Maria Ingemarson leads QA, Deborah Diaz is user interface engineer and Laura Thompson, senior software engineer.
Morgan Vawter heads-up Caterpillar’s information analytics team, a part of the marketing and digital division.
Andrew Poon is now chief marketing officer at Chief Outsiders.
Olaf Trygve Berglihn is the new representative of Sintef in CO-LaN.
Mark Humphries has been elected to represent IPL at the Data management association’s (Dama), UK chapter.
Geospatial Corp. has added Todd Porter to its executive management team and is to create an Energy services division in Houston.
Grant Thornton retiree, Jim Stanker has joined the GSE board of directors and the audit committee.
Alfred Tovar is account executive in iLandMan’s sales department.
National Oil Varco has promoted Isaac Joseph to president of its wellbore technologies segment.
Ben Wilson is now CTO and global head of product management at P2 Energy Solutions. He hails from GE.
Nancy House is the Society of Exploration Geophysicists president elect for 2016/2017. Madeline Lee is second VP, Lee Bell is treasurer. Paul Cunningham and Ruben Martinez have been appointed directors at large.
Anthony Greer is CEO of Rock Solid Images following Richard Cooper’s resignation. Cooper stays on as an advisor. Andy Phipps is president of RSI Americas.
BP has joined the USPI standards body and has named Peter Whittall to represent BP on the management board.
Lee Allison, Director of the Arizona Geological Survey and chair of the executive committee for NDR2016, died this summer following a fall.
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