The Battelle R&D organization has announced a new Tibco Spotfire-based predictive modeling toolset to help operators maximize production. The Battelle model leverages sensor data to forecast production, identify potential issues and recommend corrective action to avoid shut-ins. Real-time data is analyzed using sophisticated statistical modeling methods similar to those used by the financial, healthcare and intelligence/defense sectors. An anomaly detector algorithm monitors data in real time to detect divergences of forecasted and observed data that indicate anomalous situations that are not accounted for in the model. The first application was developed during Battelle’s work on CO2 injection at the AEP Mountaineer power plant.
Battelle has also announced a ‘comprehensive hydrocarbon analysis and characterization’ service using its hydrocarbon forensic toolkit. This now included new classes of biomarkers including sesquiterpanes, adamantanes, and selected alkyl cyclohexanes. Battelle is in the process of building a reference library of hydrocarbon chemical fingerprints that can be used for source attribution. To date some 79 samples from crude oil, petroleum distillates, coal, gas and tar have been analyzed.
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