Web/embedded systems and artificial lift geek Walter Phillips (Wansco), speaking at the 2016 Artificial lift R&D council’s new technology seminar presented his work on Pump reporter, a web enabled add-on hardware module for pumpoff controllers (POCs). Pump reporter is a Linux based single board computer that reads data from the POC’s serial port and formats it for display as a web page. The Reporter offers a user friendly interface, connectivity options and plug and play deployment.
The system scans the POC’s Modbus registers and maintain a copy of the POC data on its internal webserver for data management and remote access. Deployment is analogous to today’s Roku/Apple TV/Amazon Fire upgrade paths for existing ‘dumb’ TVs, all of which offer superior UI’s compared to ‘smart’ TVs.
Phillips also demoed his 3D wellbore viewer, said to help avoid ‘potentially misleading’ 2D perspective views, particularly when investigating side loads on the rod string in ‘corkscrew’ wellbores. The system was presented at the 2015 SPE western regional meeting as SPE paper #174024.
Weatherford’s Victoria Pons presented work performed in collaboration with Marathon on the ALRDC’s horizontal well downhole dynamometer data acquisition and analysis project. The Hwdda also uses 3D wellbore graphics of measured well bore paths and dynagraph data to improve understanding of the effect deviated wells on rod pump diagnostics. The project, which is also backed by Occidental, Shell and several contractors, sets out to investigate pitfalls in current diagnostics (many of which were developed for vertical wells) with the development of a downhole hardware tool to measure in situ rod load and stress. New project partners are welcome. More presentations on the ALRDC website.
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