Arria NLG has been granted a US patent for a ‘method and apparatus for referring expression generation.’ The breakthrough means that ‘the second or subsequent mention, in a report, of a machine, device or process can be expressed in a word or two, rather than by its full name.’ The company claims inter alia that its natural language technology will allow devices deployed in the internet of things to ‘talk naturally.’ Natch!
Marshall Feature Recognition is suing ConocoPhillips for the infringement of its US patent No. 6,886,750 covering a ‘method and apparatus for accessing electronic data via a familiar printed medium.’ Marshall alleges that ConocoPhillips’ shareholders ‘use a smartphone with a QR Code scanner to scan shareholder voting documents.’
The case brought against Pason Systems by Auto-Dril in respect of an alleged infringement of Auto-Dril’s US 6,994,172 B2 patent on a well drilling control system has been dismissed with prejudice by the Court.
Acacia unit Rapid Completions LLC is suing Baker Hughes for infringement of US 9,303,501 B2, a method and apparatus for wellbore fluid treatment. The patent was originally assigned to Packers Plus Energy Services which holds several patents covering multi-zonal completion of horizontal wells.
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