The Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC), the International Association of Oil & Gas Producers (IOGP), Ipieca (a global oil and gas industry association for environmental and social issues), in cooperation with Resource Data, Inc., have issued the OGC Iogp/Ipieca recommended practice for a common operating picture for oil spill response. The final deliverable from the IOGP/IPIECA JIP outlines the use of GIS/mapping technology in oil spill response management.
Energistics has released for comment V2.0 of its Witsml wellsite information transfer standard. Witsml 2.0 is the first standard to embed the new Energistics common technical architecture (CTA), a common technology foundation for the whole family of standards including Prodml and Resqml. The CTA is designed to aid standards implementation and to makes it easier to share data between the standards as they are deployed in common ‘end-to-end’ workflows. The latest release sees the replacement of the old web services API with the new Energistics transfer protocol. Comments are requested by close of business June 30, 2016. More from the Witsml overview guide.
The geospatial committee of the IOGP has announced V8.9 of the authoritative EU petroleum survey group (EPSG) dataset, now available as both an Access and SQL download.
ISO and IEC JTC1 have approved the Oasis universal business language standard, UBL 2.1, now also known as ‘ISO/IEC 19845:2015.’ UBL is said to be widely used around the world for procurement, sourcing, and inventory.
The European Commission has made XBRL (eXtensible business reporting language) version 2.1 eligible for referencing in public procurement. EU public administrations can now refer to the XBRL specification in their calls for tender. The XBRL standard is designed for exchanging business information, facilitating automatic retrieval of financial information and improving analysis of financial reporting. The EU promotes ICT* standards to maximize the ability of systems to work together. This is seen as essential to ensure that markets remain open and to ‘promote European competitiveness.’
The standards-bulimic OGC has also announced the successful completion of its incident management information sharing internet of things pilot (IMIS IoT).
The pilot, sponsored by the US Department of homeland security, set out
to demonstrate open system sensor integration for emergency and
disaster response.
* Information and communications technology.
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