The European petroleum survey group has issued a new (V3.1) developers guide a.k.a. IOGP Report 373-7-3. The guide shows how to access geodetic parameter data from the EPSG registry service. EPSG has also issued guidance note 7.1 annex C describing proposed changes to its conventions.
The PIDX business process workgroup is developing best practice documentation for the field ticket process. The project sets out transform manual, paper-based legacy processes and ease transfer of large volumes of transactional data between suppliers and operators.
Stewart Robinson of the Energistics/National Data Repositories organization regrets the cancellation of the 2016 NDR meet which was to be his last before retirement. Unfortunately, two proposed standards are now on hold until next year’s gathering, a new well header data standards and a ‘body of knowledge’ for NDRs. More on the history and development of the NDR movement and on the proposed standards in Robinson’s letter.
The World wide web consortium (W3C) and the Open geospatial consortium (OGC) have issued a public working draft of a best practices specification for the publication of spatial data on the web. The document shows how geospatial technology can combine with semantic/linked data techniques and will build on ‘an agreed spatial ontology conformant to the ISO 19107 abstract model.’ The W3C has also announced that the W3C Validator Suite for HTML, CSS and internationalization is now available as open source code on GitHub. You are encouraged to ‘fork it.’
While this is currently more of a smart grid/utilities development, an interesting ‘internet of things’ test was recently reported by Duke Energy. The ‘Coalition of the willing’ trial of the Open field message bus (OpenFMB) interoperability framework demonstrated vendor independent ‘plug and play’ integration in a electricity microgrid environment.
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